Lineages of embeddedness: on the antecedents and successors of a Polanyian concept

G Dale - American journal of economics and sociology, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Since the 1980s, much debate has revolved around Karl Polanyi's concept of the
“dis/embedded economy,” generating some light and not a little heat. This paper looks at …

Karl Polanyi and discussions on a renewed socialism

M Brie - Culture, Practice & Europeanization, 2019 -
The paper reconstructs Karl Polanyi's search process for a socialist answer to the crisis of
capitalist civilization in the first half of the 20th century. Polanyi focused on the question of …

[PDF][PDF] Mutaciones y reconfiguraciones de la cooperación internacional para el desarrollo

BA Pino - Íconos: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2014 -
La publicación del número 47 de la revista Íconos (septiembre, 2013) cons-tituye una
magnífica noticia para la incipiente comunidad epistémica de académicos, profesionales y …

Crisis del modelo neoliberal, hacia una planificación regional. Un aporte polanyiano

PV Saud - Íconos-Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2014 -
A partir de la utilización del instrumental analítico de Karl Polanyi, argumento que tanto la
actual retirada de las potencias industrializadas como la emergencia de alternativas …

Polanyi in space

J Peck - Karl Polanyi and twenty-first-century capitalism, 2020 -
The purpose of this chapter is to uncover something that for too long has been hidden
practically in plain sight. It offers an exploratory appreciation of Polanyi's potential as a …

Polanyi versus Hayek. The problem of freedom and democracy in the market society

P Valderrama - The Routledge Handbook on Karl Polanyi -
The antagonistic character of the social philosophies of Karl Polanyi and Friedrich Hayek is
well known. While Hayek is considered the intellectual architect of free-market capitalism …

[PDF][PDF] The Social Democratic Deficit: A Critical Polanyian Reading of European Social Democracy Since 1945

S McCallum - 2019 -
This thesis examines the history of the European social democratic movement from 1945
until the present with the aim of analysing its character and development according to a …

[PDF][PDF] The Great Double Transformation of the 21st century

M Brie - 2017 -
The importance of the work of Karl Polanyi lies in the integration of a deep structural analysis
of capitalist subsumtion of all spheres of social reproduction by transforming the basic goods …


Es ist Zeit für einen neuen Dialog der Linken. Dazu ist auch eine erneute und vertiefte
Rezeption jener Denker notwendig, die Kapitalismus und Marktgesellschaften einer Analyse …

[引用][C] Gesellschafts-Transformation. Eine theoretisch-konzeptionelle Fundierung, Erklärung und Deutung

R Reißig - Transformation im, 2015