[图书][B] Female entrepreneurship and the new venture creation: An international overview

D Kariv - 2013 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Women represent the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs today. Despite the enormous
economic contributions of this group, female entrepreneurship remains under-explored and …

Gender differences in entrepreneurial intentions: A TPB multi-group analysis at factor and indicator level

J Maes, H Leroy, L Sels - European Management Journal, 2014 - Elsevier
Previous research suggests that diverse factors predict gender differences in
entrepreneurial intent. Our paper integrates and expands on previous findings using the …

Motivational factors in a push‐pull theory of entrepreneurship

J Kirkwood - Gender in management: An international journal, 2009 - emerald.com
Purpose–Entrepreneurial motivations are often defined as fitting into “push” or “pull”
categories. To date, research has focused on the factors motivating men and women …

Gender differences in entrepreneurial propensity

P Koellinger, M Minniti, C Schade - Oxford bulletin of …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Using data from representative population surveys in 17 countries, we find that the lower
rate of female business ownership is primarily due to women's lower propensity to start …

Being in someone else's shoes: the role of gender in nascent entrepreneurship

M Minniti, C Nardone - Small business economics, 2007 - Springer
Several studies have shown the existence of significant differences in the rate of new
business creation between men and women. Specifically, it has been shown that women are …

Where are all the self-employed women? Push and pull factors influencing female labor market decisions

C Patrick, H Stephens, A Weinstein - Small Business Economics, 2016 - Springer
Previous research focuses on factors that influence self-employment participation, in part
because entrepreneurship has been associated with economic growth. This literature has …

Gender inequality

S Ponthieux, D Meurs - Handbook of income distribution, 2015 - Elsevier
The chapter examines how the various dimensions of economic inequality between men
and women are analyzed today. Beyond the gender wage gap—a central issue—and of …

Failure or voluntary exit? Reassessing the female underperformance hypothesis

R Justo, DR DeTienne, P Sieger - Journal of Business Venturing, 2015 - Elsevier
We reevaluate the female underperformance hypothesis by challenging the assumption that
female-owned ventures are more likely to fail. Instead of equating exit with failure, we draw …

Self-employment longitudinal dynamics: A review of the literature

Y Georgellis, JG Sessions, NNT Tsitsianis - Economic Issues, 2005 - papers.ssrn.com
We review longitudinal studies on self-employment dynamics, classifying studies into those
that examine transitions into self-employment, and those that examine self-employment exit …

Gender differences in self‐employment

Y Georgellis, HJ Wall - International review of applied economics, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
This paper examines the factors that influence transitions into self‐employment, paying
particular attention to gender differences. We find that:(i) men are more responsive to the …