Port efficiency types and perspectives: A literature review

J Zhang, D Yang, M Luo - Transport Policy, 2024 - Elsevier
Port efficiency has different meanings for various stakeholders. This paper examines the
existing studies on the efficiency types and analysis perspectives. Most studies focused on …

A Study of the Efficiency of Mediterranean Container Ports: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach

TP Moschovou, D Kapetanakis - CivilEng, 2023 - mdpi.com
The current paper presents the results of a study that analyzed and evaluated the efficiency
of the largest container ports in the wider area of the Mediterranean Basin. The research …

Transhipment: when movement matters in port efficiency

F González-Laxe, XL Fernández… - … Journal of Shipping …, 2024 - inderscienceonline.com
Container ports are leading actors in globalisation. They serve massed (increasingly larger
ships) and planetary (organised in networks) logistics processes. There is evidence of a …

Efficiency Analysis of Spanish Container Ports Using Undesirable Variables and the Malmquist Index

ML Bernal, YS Choi, SH Park… - Journal of Navigation and …, 2022 - koreascience.kr
Spain is Europe's second-largest country with total throughput reaching 16.7 million twenty-
foot equivalent units (TEU) by 2020. The purpose of this study was to measure and compare …

메타프론티어DEA 를이용한국내항만의효율성분석: 항만형자유무역지역을중심으로

최정원, 김창수, 서영준 - Asia-Pacific Journal of Business & Commerce, 2022 - dbpia.co.kr
우리나라는 주요 무역항의 배후단지에 항만형 자유무역지역 지정을 통해 항만 및 수출입물류
산업의 원활화와 부가가치 창출 효과를 기대해왔다. 본 연구는 효율성의 관점에서 …