[PDF][PDF] Mobile ambients

L Cardelli, A Gordon - Theoretical computer science, 2000 - microsoft.com
Mobile Ambients TCS Submission3.fm Page 1 Thursday, February 11, 1999, 3:52 pm 1
Abstract We introduce a calculus describing the movement of processes and devices, including …

Mobile ambients

L Cardelli, AD Gordon - … Conference on Foundations of Software Science …, 1998 - Springer
Mobile ambients Page 1 Mobile Ambients Luca Cardelli* Digital Equipment Corporation
Systems Research Center Andrew D. Gordon* University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory …

Process algebras with localities

I Castellani - Handbook of Process Algebra, 2001 - Elsevier
Process algebras can be enriched with localities that explicitly describe the distribution of
processes. Localities may represent physical machines, or more generally distribution units …

Secrecy by typing in security protocols

M Abadi - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 1999 - dl.acm.org
We develop principles and rules for achieving secrecy properties in security protocols. Our
approach is based on traditional classification techniques, and extends those techniques to …

Resource access control in systems of mobile agents

M Hennessy, J Riely - Information and Computation, 2002 - Elsevier
We describe a typing system for a distributed π-calculus which guarantees that distributed
agents cannot access the resources of a system without first being granted the capability to …

The join calculus: A language for distributed mobile programming

C Fournet, G Gonthier - International Summer School on Applied …, 2000 - Springer
In these notes, we give an overview of the join calculus, its semantics, and its equational
theory. The join calculus is a language that models distributed and mobile programming. It is …

Controlling interference in ambients

F Levi, D Sangiorgi - Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT …, 2000 - dl.acm.org
Two forms of interferences are individuated in Cardelli and Gordon's Mobile Ambients (MA):
plain interferences, which are similar to the interferences one finds in CCS and ϕ-calculus; …

Types for mobile ambients

L Cardelli, AD Gordon - Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT …, 1999 - dl.acm.org
Java has demonstrated the utility of type systems for mobile code, and in particular their use
and implications for security. Security properties rest on the fact that a well-typed Java …

Secrecy by typing in security protocols

M Abadi - International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of …, 1997 - Springer
We develop principles and rules for achieving secrecy properties in security protocols. Our
approach is based on traditional classification techniques, and extends those techniques to …

Static validation of security protocols

C Bodei, M Buchholtz, P Degano… - Journal of …, 2005 - content.iospress.com
We methodically expand protocol narrations into terms of a process algebra in order to
specify some of the checks that need to be made in a protocol. We then apply static analysis …