Discredited data

N Okidegbe - Cornell L. Rev., 2021 - HeinOnline
The bail system is rife with racial and socioeconomic inequities. Life-altering decisions about
pretrial release, surveillance, and detention are often based on race and financial ability to …

A policy model and framework for context-aware access control to information resources

ASM Kayes, J Han, W Rahayu, T Dillon… - The Computer …, 2019 - academic.oup.com
In today's dynamic ICT environments, the ability to control users' access to information
resources and services has become ever important. On the one hand, it should provide …

Cognitive engine for augmented human decision-making in manufacturing process control

PM Wong, CK Chui - Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2022 - Elsevier
A pre-planned production workflow may need to adapt to instantaneous states of resources,
materials, and workpieces. This adaptation poses an additional challenge when multiple …

[PDF][PDF] A tree-based scheduling algorithm for control-dominated circuits

SH Huang, YL Jeang, CT Hwang, YC Hsu… - Proceedings of the 30th …, 1993 - dl.acm.org
Scheduling algorithms for control dominated applications have not been widely published.
Path-based scheduling was the first attempt to tackle this problem. This approach works well …

Ontology-based information extraction for knowledge enrichment and validation

DH Fudholi, W Rahayu… - 2016 IEEE 30th …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Ontology is widely used as a mean to represent and share common concepts and
knowledge from a particular domain or specialisation. As a knowledge representation, the …

[PDF][PDF] 领域知识群落的演变模式与知识传承

安宁, 孙熊兰, 滕广青, 栾宇 - 情报资料工作, 2019 - qbzl.ruc.edu.cn
通过知识群落组成率, 输出率以及群落间传承强度的计算与分析, 对知识群落的演变模式与知识 …

Model Pengetahuan Berbasis Ontologi pada Domain Big Data di Perguruan Tinggi

Y Fahmi - 2021 - dspace.uii.ac.id
Fenomena big data juga dirasakan dampaknya oleh sektor perguruan tinggi. Bagi institusi
perguruan tinggi, data menjadi aset yang sangat berharga yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk …

Pemodelan dan Pengembangan Sistem Pendeteksian Penyakit Infeksi Tropis Berbasis Ontologi

L Mutawalli - Jurnal Informatika dan Rekayasa …, 2018 - e-journal.stmiklombok.ac.id
Penyakit menular selalu menjadi permaslahan nasional maupun internasional, tingkat
prevalensi penyakit menulas tergolong cukup tinggi menyebabkan kematian. Sulitnya …

[PDF][PDF] 领域知识群落的演变模式与知识传承

安宁, 孙熊兰, 滕广青, 栾宇 - 情报资料工作, 2019 - qbzl.ruc.edu.cn
通过知识群落组成率, 输出率以及群落间传承强度的计算与分析, 对知识群落的演变模式与知识 …

Efficient security policy reconciliation in tactical service oriented architectures

V Gkioulos, SD Wolthusen - … , FNSS 2016, Paris, France, November 23-25 …, 2016 - Springer
Tactical mobile ad-hoc networks are likely to suffer from highly restricted link capacity and
intermittent connectivity loss, but must provide secure access to services. The conditions …