AdS black holes, holography and localization

A Zaffaroni - Living Reviews in Relativity, 2020 - Springer
I review some recent progresses in counting the number of microstates of AdS
supersymmetric black holes in dimension equal or greater than four using holography. The …

Black Holes in 4D Super-Yang-Mills Field Theory

F Benini, P Milan - Physical Review X, 2020 - APS
Black-hole solutions to general relativity carry a thermodynamic entropy, discovered by
Bekenstein and Hawking to be proportional to the area of the event horizon, at leading order …

Three-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories and partition functions on Seifert manifolds: A review

C Closset, H Kim - International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2019 - World Scientific
We give a pedagogical introduction to the study of supersymmetric partition functions of 3D
𝒩= 2 supersymmetric Chern–Simons-matter theories (with an R-symmetry) on half-BPS …

Thermodynamics of accelerating and supersymmetric black holes

D Cassani, JP Gauntlett, D Martelli, J Sparks - Physical Review D, 2021 - APS
We study the thermodynamics of AdS 4 black hole solutions of Einstein-Maxwell theory that
are accelerating, rotating, and carry electric and magnetic charges. We focus on the class for …

Spindle black holes in AdS4× SE7

K Hristov, M Suh - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 - Springer
A bstract We construct new classes of supersymmetric AdS 2× Σ solutions of 4d gauged
supergravity in presence of charged hypermultiplet scalars, with Σ the complex weighted …

Gravity interpretation for the Bethe Ansatz expansion of the SYM index

O Aharony, F Benini, O Mamroud, P Milan - Physical Review D, 2021 - APS
The superconformal index of the N= 4 SU (N) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory counts the
1/16-BPS (Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield) states in this theory, and has been used via …

A universal counting of black hole microstates in AdS4

F Azzurli, N Bobev, PM Crichigno, VS Min… - Journal of High Energy …, 2018 - Springer
A bstract Many three-dimensional\(\mathcal {N}= 2\) SCFTs admit a universal partial
topological twist when placed on hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. We exploit this fact to derive …

Quantum black hole entropy from 4d supersymmetric Cardy formula

M Honda - Physical Review D, 2019 - APS
We study the canonical AdS/CFT correspondence between 4d SU (N) N= 4 super Yang-
Mills theory (SYM) and type IIB superstring theory on AdS 5× S 5. We analyze the …

Rotating black hole entropy from M5-branes

F Benini, D Gang, LA Pando Zayas - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020 - Springer
A bstract We compute the superconformal index of 3d\(\mathcal {N}\)= 2 superconformal field
theories obtained from N M5-branes wrapped on a hyperbolic 3-manifold. Exploiting the 3d …

Superconformal indices at large N and the entropy of AdS5× SE5 black holes

F Benini, E Colombo, S Soltani… - … and Quantum Gravity, 2020 -
The large N limit of the four-dimensional superconformal index was computed and
successfully compared to the entropy of a class of AdS 5 black holes only in the particular …