Virtual simple architecture (VISA) exceeding the complexity limit in safe real-time systems

A Anantaraman, K Seth, K Patil, E Rotenberg… - Proceedings of the 30th …, 2003 -
Meeting deadlines is a key requirement in safe realtime systems. Worst-case execution
times (WCET) of tasks are needed for safe planning. Contemporary worst-case timing …

Techniques for software thread integration in real-time embedded systems

AG Dean, JP Shen - … 19th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium …, 1998 -
This paper presents details of how to perform thread integration to provide low-cost
concurrency for general-purpose microcontrollers and microprocessors. A post-pass …

Inter-task register-allocation for static operating systems

V Barthelmann - Proceedings of the joint conference on Languages …, 2002 -
In recent years, a growing number of small single-chip embedded systems are used in very
high volumes, for example in the automotive industry. Due to the high volumes, these …

Software thread integration for hardware to software migration

AG Dean - 2000 -
This dissertation introduces software thread integration (STI) and its use for migrating
functions from hardware to software (HSM). STI interleaves multiple software threads at the …

Implementing fault-tolerance in real-time programs by automatic program transformations

T Ayav, P Fradet, A Girault - ACM Transactions on Embedded …, 2008 -
We present a formal approach to implement fault-tolerance in real-time embedded systems.
The initial fault-intolerant system consists of a set of independent periodic tasks scheduled …

Extending sti for demanding hard-real-time systems

B Welch, S Kanaujia, A Seetharam… - Proceedings of the …, 2003 -
Software thread integration (STI) is a compilation technique which enables the efficient use
of an application's fine-grain idle time on generic processors without special hardware …

Enhancing the AvrX kernel with efficient secure communication using software thread integration

P Ganesan, AG Dean - … . RTAS 2004. 10th IEEE Real-Time and …, 2004 -
We present methods to add efficient cryptographic support to low-performance embedded
processors with embedded networks (eg sensor networks). Software thread integration (STI) …

System-level issues for software thread integration: guest triggering and host selection

AG Dean, JP Shen - … 20th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium …, 1999 -
Software thread integration provides low-cost concurrency on general-purpose processors
by automatically interleaving multiple threads of control into one. This simplifies hardware to …

[PDF][PDF] A high-temperature embedded network interface using software thread integration

AG Dean, RR Grzybowski - Second Workshop on Compiler and …, 1999 -
This document describes an experimental implementation of a communication network
protocol bridge for a high-temperature (200 C/392 F) application. The software uses a novel …

Compiling for fine-grain concurrency: Planning and performing software thread integration

AG Dean - 23rd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2002 …, 2002 -
Embedded systems require control of many concurrent real-time activities, leading to system
designs which feature multiple hardware peripherals with each providing a specific …