Determinants of household saving behaviour in Turkey
The study aims to detect demographics and economic factors and the factors related to
residential properties and social-environmental indicators affecting household savings in …
residential properties and social-environmental indicators affecting household savings in …
Hanehalklarının Tasarruf Tercihlerinin Belirleyicileri: Türkiye Örneğine Nested Logit Model Uygulaması
Ekonomik aktivitenin en önemli yapı taşı olan tasarruflar tüm karar birimleri için oldukça
önemlidir. Karar birimleri arasında hanehalkları ise tasarrufları aracılığıyla sürdürülebilir …
önemlidir. Karar birimleri arasında hanehalkları ise tasarrufları aracılığıyla sürdürülebilir …
Hanehalkı tasarruf tercihlerinin kesikli tercih modelleriyle incelenmesi
K Çebi Karaaslan - 2020 -
Tasarruf en basit haliyle gelirin harcanmayan veya arta kalan kısmı olarak
nitelendirilmektedir. Tasarruflar kamu tasarrufları, ulusal tasarruflar ve özel tasarruflar olmak …
nitelendirilmektedir. Tasarruflar kamu tasarrufları, ulusal tasarruflar ve özel tasarruflar olmak …
Estimates of demand for money and consumption functions for the household sector in Poland, 1967-1999
A Chawluk - 2000 -
The paper analyses household money demand and consumption. Variables that measure
shortage and expectations about its future course are introduced to capture the effects of the …
shortage and expectations about its future course are introduced to capture the effects of the …
Kotitalouksien säästämisasteen muutokset
A Pihlajamaa - 2016 -
Tutkielman aiheena on kotitalouksien säästämiskäyttäytyminen. Säästämisaste on laskenut
viimeisten vuosikymmenien aikana paljon maailmanlaajuisesti ja tasoerot eri maiden välillä …
viimeisten vuosikymmenien aikana paljon maailmanlaajuisesti ja tasoerot eri maiden välillä …
[PDF][PDF] Wyniki bada nad procesami oszcz dzania gospodarstw domowych w Polsce po 1989 roku. Próba syntezy
A Pollok -
Podstawowym podmiotem oszcz dzaj¡ cym w ka¢ dej gospodarce s¡ gospodarstwa
domowe. Do dzi£ teoria ekonomii, pomimo rozlicznych bada¤ empirycznych, nie …
domowe. Do dzi£ teoria ekonomii, pomimo rozlicznych bada¤ empirycznych, nie …
Sprawność zarządzania środkami finansowymi uczestników rynku emerytalnego w Polsce
D Ostrowska - Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we …, 2012 -
Rynek emerytalny powstał wraz z wejściem w życie reformy emerytalno-rentowej, tj. 1
stycznia 1999 roku. Do tego czasu istniał jedynie Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych, ale w …
stycznia 1999 roku. Do tego czasu istniał jedynie Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych, ale w …
P Mularczyk, J Tyrowicz - MATHEMATICS DAY -
As other European countries, transition economies face the reform of the social security
system. As one of the first, Poland has introduced a pension reform in 1999, which changed …
system. As one of the first, Poland has introduced a pension reform in 1999, which changed …
Saving behaviour among Polish households 1995 and 1996
J Perek-Białas - Studia Demograficzne, 1999 -
Household saving is a key determinant of Capital stock and thus of the level of economic
performance. Recently, many researchers [Browning, Lusardi, 1996; Gokhale, Kotlikoff …
performance. Recently, many researchers [Browning, Lusardi, 1996; Gokhale, Kotlikoff …