Uji biofungisida pelet berbahan dasar pelepah kelapa sawit yang mengandung isolat Trichoderma spp. terhadap jamur Ganoderma boninense Pat. Secara in vitro

R Ibrahim, Y Elfina, R Dewi - 2014 - neliti.com
Basal stem rot (BSR) disease caused by Ganoderma spp.. The most of solution is using
chemical pesticides and it was hazardous to environment and human health. The other way …

[HTML][HTML] Volume 13 Nomor 2 September 2012== EFEKTIFITAS DOSIS TRICHOKOMPOS AMPAS TAHU DAN PUPUK KANDANG== Pandriyani, Yanetri Asi Nion and …

YAN Pandriyani - jurnalagriepat.wordpress.com
ABSTRACT A trial was conducted to determine the effectiveness and precise dosage of
trichocompost of tofu dregs, chicken manure, mixture of tofu dregs and chicken manure to …

[引用][C] Controlling anthracnose disease of locally chili in marginal wetland using endophytic indigenous microbes and kalakai (Stenochlaena palustris) leaf extract

[引用][C] Pengaruh inokulasi Trichoderma sp. Indigenus terhadap penyakit akar gada dan pertumbuhan tanaman kubis (Brassica oleracea L.)

N Antari, NM Puspawati, IK Suada - Jurnal Agrotek Tro, 2017

[引用][C] In Vitro Antagonistic Examination Of Trichoderma pseudokoningii Rifai Againts Ganoderma boninense PAT.

[引用][C] Trichoderma sp. Agents Biokontrol Penyakit Kudis Tanaman Ubijalar

EA Martanto, AE Tanati, S Baan, DK Erari - 2022 - Penerbit Muhammad Zaini