SHARI'AH TOURISM ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL MODEL (Case Study of Salafiah Biharu Bahri Asali Fadlailir Rahmah Islamic Boarding School Malang)
Islamic boarding schools are educational institutions in Indonesia that have the
characteristics of learning using classical literature. Islamic boarding school education in …
characteristics of learning using classical literature. Islamic boarding school education in …
Optimalisasi Kefasihan Pelafalan Kosa Kata Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Santri Pondok Pesantren Islamic Center Limbangan
F Atmajaya, A Husniati, A Arifin - … Bahasa dan Sastra …, 2024 -
This research aims to determine the effect of Arabic vocabulary pronunciation fluency
training on improving the writing skills of students at the Limbangan Islamic Center Islamic …
training on improving the writing skills of students at the Limbangan Islamic Center Islamic …
Character Education Management in Integrated Dayah An-Nur Bener Meriah Aceh
AH Surbakti - Asian Journal of Applied Education …, 2023 -
Character education is an education of values, manners, morals, and character education
that aims to develop the ability of students to make good and bad decisions, maintain what is …
that aims to develop the ability of students to make good and bad decisions, maintain what is …