Estimation methods for expected shortfall
S Nadarajah, B Zhang, S Chan - Quantitative Finance, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Introduced in the 1980s, value at risk has been a popular measure of financial risk.
However, value at risk suffers from a number of drawbacks as measure of financial risk. An …
However, value at risk suffers from a number of drawbacks as measure of financial risk. An …
[HTML][HTML] Forecasting day-ahead electricity prices in Europe: The importance of considering market integration
Motivated by the increasing integration among electricity markets, in this paper we propose
two different methods to incorporate market integration in electricity price forecasting and to …
two different methods to incorporate market integration in electricity price forecasting and to …
Renewables diffusion and contagion effect in Italian regional electricity markets: Assessment and policy implications
In the electricity market, sudden price jumps occur more frequently than in other markets due
to the peculiarity of electricity. Furthermore, the structural spot characteristics of the electricity …
to the peculiarity of electricity. Furthermore, the structural spot characteristics of the electricity …
Reassessing the integration of European electricity markets: A fractional cointegration analysis
LM de Menezes, MA Houllier - Energy Economics, 2016 - Elsevier
This study extends existing literature on the assessment of electricity market integration in
Europe, by developing and testing hypotheses on the convergence of electricity wholesale …
Europe, by developing and testing hypotheses on the convergence of electricity wholesale …
[HTML][HTML] A volatility spillover analysis with realized semi (co) variances in Australian electricity markets
E Chanatásig-Niza, A Ciarreta, A Zarraga - Energy Economics, 2022 - Elsevier
Volatility spillovers are a characteristic of interconnected electricity markets. We use high-
frequency prices to analyze the transmission of volatility across five Australian regional …
frequency prices to analyze the transmission of volatility across five Australian regional …
Volatility spillovers in energy markets
We investigate the extent and evolution of the links between energy markets using a broad
data set consisting of a total of 17 series of prices for commodities such as electricity, natural …
data set consisting of a total of 17 series of prices for commodities such as electricity, natural …
[HTML][HTML] Exploring dependence structures among European electricity markets: Static and dynamic copula-GARCH and dynamic state-space approaches
In this paper, we examine various characteristics of both base and peak electricity spot
prices and their returns, and investigate dependence structures, extreme co-movements, risk …
prices and their returns, and investigate dependence structures, extreme co-movements, risk …
Modeling and forecasting multivariate electricity price spikes
We consider the problem of forecasting the occurrence of extreme prices in the Australian
electricity markets from high frequency spot prices. In particular, we are interested in the …
electricity markets from high frequency spot prices. In particular, we are interested in the …
[图书][B] Statistics for finance
E Lindström, H Madsen, JN Nielsen - 2018 -
Statistics for Finance develops students' professional skills in statistics with applications in
finance. Developed from the authors' courses at the Technical University of Denmark and …
finance. Developed from the authors' courses at the Technical University of Denmark and …
Revisiting long-run relations in power markets with high RES penetration
Electricity generation from renewable energy resources (RES) has become increasingly
significant to reach EU and emissions reduction targets. At the same time, one of the main …
significant to reach EU and emissions reduction targets. At the same time, one of the main …