Quality assessment of African herbal medicine: A systematic review and the way forward
Abstract Background In Africa, herbalism supplements allopathic medicine's efforts to ensure
Universal Health Coverage attainment. This review was conducted to identify and to …
Universal Health Coverage attainment. This review was conducted to identify and to …
Differential scanning calorimetry and thin layer chromatography: Emerging tools for predicting stability of herbal products
The stability of extracts made from plant material is essential to ensure the quality, safety and
efficacy of the finished product. NIPRIMAL® is a mono herbal formulation of Nauclea latifolia …
efficacy of the finished product. NIPRIMAL® is a mono herbal formulation of Nauclea latifolia …
A randomized double-blind study evaluating the safety and effectiveness of a Ghanaian polyherbal product for the management of superficial mycoses
A prospective randomised double blind parallel controlled trial was conducted to evaluate
the safety and clinical effectiveness of a standardised Ghanaian polyherbal product EAF …
the safety and clinical effectiveness of a standardised Ghanaian polyherbal product EAF …
Determination of the rutin, quercetin and kaempferol contents in a Ghanaian polyherbal formulation (EAF-2011) and its raw materials using a simultaneous RP-HPLC …
Quantitative chemical fingerprinting of herbal medicines provides an avenue for addressing
the challenge with their quality. In this report, chemical markers that could be labelled as …
the challenge with their quality. In this report, chemical markers that could be labelled as …