Business process innovations in family firms: evidence from Serbia

M Paunović, MM Ružičić… - Journal of family business …, 2022 -
Purpose This paper aims to explore the innovation performance of Serbian family firms, the
differences in the innovation performance between family and non-family firms as well as …

Does a national innovation system encourage sustainability? Lessons from the construction industry in Serbia

M Mosurović Ružičić, M Miletić, M Dobrota - Sustainability, 2021 -
Influences from the modern business environment indicate the need for the incorporation of
sustainability concepts from an innovation system perspective. In the presented research …

[PDF][PDF] Regional competitiveness in the context of “New industrial policy”–the case of Croatia

K Bačić, Z Aralica - Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci …, 2017 -
Regional competitiveness in the context of “New industrial policy” – the case of Croatia Page
1 Katarina Bačić, Zoran Aralica • Regional competitiveness in the context... Zb. rad. Ekon. fak …

[PDF][PDF] Čimbenici uspješnosti mikro poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj

K Štavlić - Sveuĉilište JJ Strossmayera u Osijeku, Ekonomski …, 2016 -
Predmet istraživanja u okviru ove disertacije su čimbenici uspješnosti mikro poduzeća u
Republici Hrvatskoj. Zbog iznimne važnosti mikro poduzeća za hrvatsko gospodarstvo …

HGX: the anatomy of high growth exporters

S Srhoj, A Coad, J Walde - Small Business Economics, 2024 - Springer
Previous work has found that a small number of export s uperstars contribute
disproportionally to the economy's overall exports. Differently from export superstars, this …

[PDF][PDF] Koncept otvorenih inovacija u funkciji unapređenja inovacionih kapaciteta MSP u Srbiji

M Lazarević-Moravčević, M Paunović… - 2022 -
Predmet rada je analiza značaja koncepta otvorenih inovacija u procesu unapređenja
inovacionog potencijala malih i srednjih preduzeća (MSP) u Srbiji. Cilj rada je se da ukaže …

Microentrepreneurs Innovation

K Štavlić, MR Funarić, KP Galić - Proceedings of FEB Zagreb …, 2020 -
Innovation is considered as one of the factors of business success, as well as a generator of
economic growth and development. Micro-enterprises in the Republic of Croatia have a …

Модели организации региональной инновационной инфраструктуры и их влияние на конкурентоспособность экономики региона

ЛВ Марабаева, ОА Соколов, ИА Горин - Вестник НИИ гуманитарных …, 2021 -
В статье рассматриваются основные модели организации региональной
инновационной инфраструктуры, их преимущества и ограничения и предлагается …

Financial evaluation of the convergent technologies development in a digital economy

F Pižmoht, J Györkös, D Močnik - Kybernetes, 2017 -
Purpose This paper aims to explore the digital economy in the fields of the most promising
new technologies: information and communication technologies, biotechnology and …

Izvori regionalne ekonomske transformacije posttranzicijskih zemalja EU

I Unukić - 2024 -
Iako su zemlje članice Europske unije (EU) međusobno heterogene, kao i njihove regije,
one dijele istu razvojnu viziju i ciljeve i prate regionalnu politiku i smjernice EU te teže …