Recent trends in the modeling and quantification of non-probabilistic uncertainty

M Faes, D Moens - Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2020 - Springer
This paper gives an overview of recent advances in the field of non-probabilistic uncertainty
quantification. Both techniques for the forward propagation and inverse quantification of …

Reliability analysis of deep tunnels in spatially varying brittle rocks using interval and random field modelling

A Kumar, S Maurya, G Tiwari - International Journal of Rock Mechanics and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Rock properties are estimated using objective lab/in-situ testing and subjective judgements
invoking different types of uncertainties, ie, aleatory, and epistemic, along them, often …

Hybrid active learning method for non-probabilistic reliability analysis with multi-super-ellipsoidal model

L Hong, H Li, J Fu, J Li, K Peng - Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2022 - Elsevier
Non-probabilistic reliability analysis is of great importance in both reliability measure and
reliability based design, the efficiency and precision of non-probabilistic reliability analysis …

Interval field model and interval finite element analysis

BY Ni, C Jiang - Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Spatially uncertain parameters are traditionally represented by random field models.
However, the large amount of information required for construction of precise probability …

A novel interval finite element method based on the improved interval analysis

A Sofi, E Romeo - Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and …, 2016 - Elsevier
Static analysis of linear–elastic structures with uncertain parameters subjected to
deterministic loads is addressed. The uncertain structural properties are modeled as interval …

An interval finite element method for the analysis of structures with spatially varying uncertainties

A Sofi, E Romeo, O Barrera, A Cocks - Advances in Engineering Software, 2019 - Elsevier
Finite element analysis of linear-elastic structures with spatially varying uncertain properties
is addressed within the framework of the interval model of uncertainty. Resorting to a …

Non-probabilistic uncertainty quantification and response analysis of structures with a bounded field model

Y Luo, J Zhan, J Xing, Z Kang - Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics …, 2019 - Elsevier
A general framework for quantifying bounded field uncertainties in loading conditions,
material properties and geometrical dimensions is developed in this study. By using a non …

Interval fields to represent uncertainty on the output side of a static FE analysis

W Verhaeghe, W Desmet, D Vandepitte… - Computer Methods in …, 2013 - Elsevier
Intervals have been used extensively for the representation of parametric uncertainty in
Finite Element Models when the available information is insufficient to build representative …

Interval process model and non-random vibration analysis

C Jiang, BY Ni, NY Liu, X Han, J Liu - Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper develops an interval process model for time-varying or dynamic uncertainty
analysis when information of the uncertain parameter is inadequate. By using the interval …

A sequential simulation strategy for response bounds analysis of structures with interval uncertainties

BY Ni, C Jiang, PG Wu, ZH Wang, WY Tian - Computers & Structures, 2022 - Elsevier
Prediction of response bounds of structures with interval uncertainties is a major concern in
interval finite element analysis. In many cases, the structural response is a variable …