Semantic NLP-based information extraction from construction regulatory documents for automated compliance checking

J Zhang, NM El-Gohary - Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2016 -
Automated regulatory compliance checking requires automated extraction of requirements
from regulatory textual documents and their formalization in a computer-processable rule …

[图书][B] Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches

S Müller - 2023 -
This book introduces formal grammar theories that play a role in current linguistic theorizing
(Phrase Structure Grammar, Transformational Grammar/Government & Binding, Generalized …

[图书][B] Features

GG Corbett - 2012 -
Features are a central concept in linguistic analysis. They are the basic building blocks of
linguistic units, such as words. For many linguists they offer the most revealing way to …

Behavioral and computational aspects of language and its acquisition

S Edelman, H Waterfall - Physics of Life Reviews, 2007 - Elsevier
One of the greatest challenges facing the cognitive sciences is to explain what it means to
know a language, and how the knowledge of language is acquired. The dominant approach …

[图书][B] Ontology-based interpretation of natural language

P Cimiano, C Unger, J McCrae - 2014 -
For humans, understanding a natural language sentence or discourse is so effortless that
we hardly ever think about it. For machines, however, the task of interpreting natural …

[图书][B] The lexicon

J Pustejovsky, O Batiukova - 2019 -
What is the lexicon, what does it contain, and how is it structured? What principles determine
the functioning of the lexicon as a component of natural language grammar? What role does …

[图书][B] Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The handbook (volume 9)

S Müller, A Abeillé, RD Borsley, JP Koenig - 2021 -
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) is a constraint-based or declarative
approach to linguistic knowledge, which analyses all descriptive levels (phonology …

A systematic review of unsupervised approaches to grammar induction

V Muralidaran, I Spasić, D Knight - Natural Language Engineering, 2021 -
This study systematically reviews existing approaches to unsupervised grammar induction in
terms of their theoretical underpinnings, practical implementations and evaluation. Our …

Extraction of construction regulatory requirements from textual documents using natural language processing techniques

J Zhang, N El-Gohary - Computing in Civil Engineering (2012), 2012 -
Automated regulatory compliance checking requires automated information extraction (IE)
from regulatory textual documents (eg building codes). Automated IE is a challenging task …

Key terms in syntax and syntactic theory

S Luraghi, C Parodi - 2008 -
Among fields of linguistic research, syntax is presently the one in which competing theories
make it harder to grasp the unitary character of linguistic phenomena. Such a wide range of …