Element of a vehicle bumper system

D Mana, T Kim - US Patent App. 29/473,154, 2015 - Google Patents
2014-08-28 Assigned to SABIC GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES BV reassignment SABIC

Element of a vehicle bumper system

D Mana, T Kim - US Patent App. 29/588,594, 2018 - Google Patents
6, 270, 600 B18/2001 Wycech 6, 609, 740 B2* 8/2003 Evans B6OR 19/18 293/120 6, 669,
251 B2 12/2003 Trappe 6, 672, 635 B2 1/2004 Weissenborn et al. 6, 814, 379 B2* 11/2004 …

Energy absorbing assembly

D Mana, T Kim - US Patent 8,851,539, 2014 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Regulations governing the low-speed damageability requirements for
automobiles across the globe are different. These regulations, in general, can be classified …

Element of a vehicle bumper system

D Mana, T Kim - US Patent App. 29/526,018, 2017 - Google Patents
USD777071S1 - Element of a vehicle bumper system - Google Patents USD777071S1 -
Element of a vehicle bumper system - Google Patents Element of a vehicle bumper system …

Bottle shipping assembly

B Tremblay - US Patent 10,179,692, 2019 - Google Patents
The present invention relates to a bottle shipment assembly that can withstand shock and
impact during shipping. The assembly can accommodate a wide variety of bottles, uses very …

Bumper assembly and a bumper system at a front of a truck

J Garbutt, S Larris, KF Yip, B Glennie, D Job… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
The present application provides a bumper assembly to be connected to a chassis bumper
beam at a front of a vehicle. The bumper assembly comprises a plastic fascia; a metal …

Energy absorbing system

DK Nagwanshi, SR Marur, PV Gurunath - US Patent 9,731,669, 2017 - Google Patents
An embodiment of a thermoplastic energy absorber for a vehicle comprises: a base and a
crush lobe. The crush lobe comprises load walls extending from the base and a convex front …

Beam with torsional deformation and multi-geometry cross-section

KK Gumpina, T Baviskar - US Patent 10,464,512, 2019 - Google Patents
A beam configured to couple to a vehicle includes end areas comprising end midpoints that
are equidistant from a top face and a bottom face on a vertical axis when the beam is …

Energy absorption member for automobile

D Munjurulimana, A Parameshwara… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A plastic energy absorption member (28) for an automobile bumper
assembly (22) is disclosed. The plastic energy absorption member (28) includes a plastic …

Bumper module

F Fuerst, T Hechtel, H Theobald… - US Patent 10,017,140, 2018 - Google Patents
US10017140B2 - Bumper module - Google Patents US10017140B2 - Bumper module -
Google Patents Bumper module Download PDF Info Publication number US10017140B2 …