Natural tracer profiles across argillaceous formations

M Mazurek, P Alt-Epping, A Bath, T Gimmi… - Applied …, 2011 - Elsevier
Argillaceous formations generally act as aquitards because of their low hydraulic
conductivities. This property, together with the large retention capacity of clays for cationic …

Polymer–inorganic supramolecular nanohybrids for red, white, green, and blue applications

DH Park, SJ Hwang, JM Oh, JH Yang… - Progress in Polymer …, 2013 - Elsevier
Layered nanohybrids are heterostructured materials composed of two-dimensional
inorganic host and intercalating inorganic-, organic-, bio-, or polymer guests. Such materials …

Multicomponent diffusion modeling in clay systems with application to the diffusion of tritium, iodide, and sodium in opalinus clay

CAJ Appelo, P Wersin - Environmental science & technology, 2007 - ACS Publications
The hydrogeochemical transport model PHREEQC was extended with options to calculate
multicomponent diffusion in free pores and in the diffuse double layer (DDL). Each solute …

Multicomponent diffusion of a suite of tracers (HTO, Cl, Br, I, Na, Sr, Cs) in a single sample of Opalinus Clay

CAJ Appelo, LR Van Loon, P Wersin - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2010 - Elsevier
Diffusion experiments with HTO, 36Cl−, Br−, I−, 22Na+, 85Sr2+ and 134Cs+ at trace
concentrations in a single sample of Opalinus Clay are modeled with PHREEQC's …

The Nanoscale Basis of CO2 Trapping for Geologic Storage

IC Bourg, LE Beckingham… - Environmental science & …, 2015 - ACS Publications
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is likely to be a critical technology to achieve large
reductions in global carbon emissions over the next century. Research on the subsurface …

Anisotropic diffusion in layered argillaceous rocks: a case study with Opalinus Clay

LR Van Loon, JM Soler, W Müller… - … science & technology, 2004 - ACS Publications
Anisotropic diffusion was studied in Opalinus Clay, a potential host rock for disposal of spent
fuel, vitrified high-level waste, and long-lived intermediate-level waste in Switzerland …

Neural network based process coupling and parameter upscaling in reactive transport simulations

NI Prasianakis, R Haller, M Mahrous… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2020 - Elsevier
The multiscale modelling of geochemical processes requires efficient couplings between
scales and physics. The use of machine learning techniques and neural networks has the …

Diffusive transport and reaction in clay rocks: A storage (nuclear waste, CO2, H2), energy (shale gas) and water quality issue

L Charlet, P Alt-Epping, P Wersin, B Gilbert - Advances in Water Resources, 2017 - Elsevier
Clay rocks are low permeability sedimentary formations that provide records of Earth history,
influence the quality of water resources, and that are increasingly used for the extraction or …

How mobile are sorbed cations in clays and clay rocks?

T Gimmi, G Kosakowski - Environmental science & technology, 2011 - ACS Publications
Diffusion of cations and other contaminants through clays is of central interest, because
clays and clay rocks are widely considered as barrier materials for waste disposal sites. An …

Making of the underground scientific experimental programme at the Meuse/Haute-Marne underground research laboratory, North Eastern France

J Delay, A Vinsot, JM Krieguer, H Rebours… - … of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 2007 - Elsevier
In November 1999 Andra began building an Underground Research Laboratory (URL) on
the border of the Meuse and Haute-Marne departments in eastern France. The research …