H2 state-feedback control for discrete-time cyber-physical uncertain systems under DoS attacks

PM Oliveira, JM Palma, MJ Lacerda - Applied Mathematics and …, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the packet-based state-feedback control problem for uncertain
discrete-time cyber-physical systems. The presence of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks is …

Stability and stabilisability of switched discrete‐time systems based on structured Lyapunov functions

MJ Lacerda, TS Gomide - IET Control Theory & Applications, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
This study addresses the stability and the stabilisability problem for discrete‐time switched
systems under arbitrary switching, by employing structured Lyapunov functions. The main …

Controle de sistemas lineares positivos chaveados discretos no tempo: uma abordagem usando funçao de lyapunov aumentada

FA Silva, PSP Pessim, MJ Lacerda - Simpósio Brasileiro de Automaçao …, 2021 - sba.org.br
Este artigo apresenta novas condições na forma de desigualdade matriciais lineares
capazes de realizar o projeto de controladores por realimentação de estados para sistemas …

Stability analysis of discrete-time LPV switched systems

MJ Lacerda, CM Agulhari - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper addresses the stability problem for discrete-time switched systems under
autonomous switching. Each mode of the switched system is modeled as a Linear …

Robust Stability Conditions for a Family of Linear Discrete-Time Systems Subjected to Uncertainties

MV Khlebnikov, YI Kvinto - Automation and Remote Control, 2021 - Springer
Robust stability conditions are established for a family of linear discrete-time systems
subjected to uncertainties. The traditional approach, which involves the construction of a …

Polyquadratic Stability of Positive Switched Systems with Time-Varying Polytopic Uncertainties via Structured Lyapunov Functions

RP Noronha… - 2022 Australian & New …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this work we aim to propose new conditions for the polyquadratic stability of positive
switched linear systems containing discrete-time varying polytopic uncertainties. Parameter …

[HTML][HTML] Параметрическая функция Ляпунова для дискретных систем управления с внешними возмущениями: анализ

МВ Хлебников, ЯИ Квинто - Проблемы управления, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
В работе рассматривается линейная динамическая система в дискретном времени,
подверженная воздействию произвольных ограниченных внешних возмущений …

[PDF][PDF] A Parametric Lyapunov Function for Discrete-Time Control Systems with Bounded Exogenous Disturbances: Analysis

MV Khlebnikov, YI Kvinto - Control Sciences, 2021 - pu.mtas.ru
This paper considers a linear discrete-time dynamic system subjected to arbitrary bounded
exogenous disturbances described by a matrix from a convex affine family. A simple …

[HTML][HTML] Условия робастной устойчивости для семейства линейных дискретных систем с неопределенностями

МВ Хлебников, ЯИ Квинто - Проблемы управления, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Установлены условия робастной устойчивости для семейства линейных дискретных
систем с неопределенностями. Отмечено, что традиционный подход, предполагающий …

[PDF][PDF] Estabilidade de sistemas lineares chaveados incertos por meio de funções de lyapunov estruturadas

YT Felber, NA Keles, MJ Lacerda - 2019 - academia.edu
This paper is concerned with the stability problem of uncertain linear switched systems. The
main contribution is to provide a systematic procedure to check the stability of discrete-time …