Fa'aliyyah Mawad Ta'lim Maharah al-Qira'ah li Tarqiyah Maharah al-Qira'ah al-Thullabah

U Ubay, M Syaifullah, N Murtadho… - … Jurnal Bahasa Arab, 2023 - journal.iaincurup.ac.id
The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of using teaching materials
of reading to improve students’ reading skills at the Institute for Islamic Studies Ma’ …

Analisis Manajemen Perencanaan Kurikulum dalam Menghasilkan Kualifikasi Lulusan Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab di Indonesia

H Oktavera, AW Ritonga… - Mantiqu Tayr …, 2024 - journal.iaimnumetrolampung.ac.id
This research aims to analyze the curriculum planning management strategy based on
Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) in the Arabic Language Education Study …

Learning Environment Management in the Arabic Language Camp Program for New Students of PBA IAIN Bone

MN Fitra, MI Tamam, Z Arifa… - Mantiqu Tayr …, 2024 - journal.iaimnumetrolampung.ac.id
Management of a conducive and supportive Arabic learning environment is a challenge for
Arabic learning program managers. Therefore, the Student Association of the Arabic …

Cooperative Learning Based on Word-Matching Game to Enhance Mastery of Arabic Vocabulary for Eighth-Grade MTs Students

FN Hanifah, M Abdurrahman… - Mantiqu Tayr …, 2024 - journal.iaimnumetrolampung.ac.id
The research addresses the necessity for developing and implementing more effective
learning methods and media to enhance the mastery of Arabic vocabulary among school …

Arabic Learning in New Normal Era for Students with Visual Impairment at Inclusive Madrasah

Y Yuslam, AC Harimi… - … : Journal of Arabic …, 2023 - ejournal.insuriponorogo.ac.id
This study examines the process of learning Arabic at MAN 2 Sleman which is committed to
inclusive education so that they integrate learning for students with disabilities and non …

Analisis Kontrastif Struktur Kalimat Arab Dan Indonesia Serta Implementasinya Dalam Pembelajaran

MK Umam… - … Bahasa Dan Sastra …, 2022 - tsaqofiya.iainponorogo.ac.id
This study aims to compare the pattern of the Jumlah Ismiyyah and Fi'liyyah in Arabic with
subject+ predicate in Indonesian in terms of meaning and provisions and its implementation …

Tāthbīqu ān-Nāmudzājī āl-Istīfsārī 'Alā Asāsī āt-Tīknūlūjīyā fīī Dīrāsātī āl-Imlāʾ Lādāy āt-Thullābī bīl Mustāwā āl-Tsānī Bījāmi 'āty āl-Amien āl-Islāmīyah Prenduan

Y Ramadhan, A Kirom… - Mantiqu Tayr …, 2024 - journal.iaimnumetrolampung.ac.id
This research aims to: 1) Explain the method of learning Arabic dictation based on the
inquiry model and explore its advantages. 2) To characterize the outcomes of the learning …