Juventud y redes sociales: Motivaciones y usos preferentes

P Colás, T González, J De Pablos - Comunicar, 2013 - torrossa.com
Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio sobre la utilización que hacen los
jóvenes andaluces de las redes sociales. Los objetivos fundamentales son: conocer los …

Media logic, social control, and fear

DL Altheide - Communication theory, 2013 - academic.oup.com
The role of mediated communication and media logic in social order is discussed, along with
recent examples involving social media and popular culture, surveillance, commercialism …

Cultural citizenship and cosmopolitan practice: Global youth communicate online

GA Hull, A Stornaiuolo, U Sahni - English Education, 2010 - JSTOR
Calls now abound in a range of literatures—philosophy, education, sociology, anthropology,
media studies—to reimagine citizenship and identity in ways befitting a global age. A …

Young people, online networks, and social inclusion

T Notley - Journal of computer-mediated communication, 2009 - academic.oup.com
This paper examines the ways 9 teenage Australians—identified as being 'at risk'of social
exclusion—are using online networks to participate in society. The research finds that online …

Advancing children's news media literacy: learning from the practices and experiences of young Australians

T Notley, M Dezuanni - Media, Culture & Society, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
Social media use has redefined the production, experience and consumption of news
media. These changes have made verifying and trusting news content more complicated …

How news media literacy is taught in Australian classrooms

K Corser, M Dezuanni, T Notley - The Australian Educational Researcher, 2022 - Springer
News media literacy has come to receive considerable public attention in recent years in the
context of anxieties about the impact of misinformation on society. This article outlines …

Understanding computer-mediated communication attributes and life satisfaction from the perspectives of uses and gratifications and self-determination

CS Ang, MA Talib, KA Tan, JP Tan… - Computers in Human …, 2015 - Elsevier
Based on the theories of uses and gratifications, and self-determination, we examined a
model linking computer-mediated communication (CMC) attributes to psychological need …

[PDF][PDF] Activity matters: Investigating the influence of facebook on life satisfaction of teenage users.

H Wenninger, H Krasnova, P Buxmann - ECIS, 2014 - researchgate.net
As Facebook has become an integral part of a daily routine for many, the impact of its
participation on users' lives is of growing interest. Nonetheless, extant research does not …

[PDF][PDF] Digital citizenship and web 2.0 tools

R Richards - MERLOT Journal of online learning and …, 2010 - ecitizenship.pbworks.com
This concept paper explores citizenship in a digital age. The potential of Web 2.0 tools
highlights the importance of educational institutions' consideration of the use of these tools …

State of Australia's Young People: A Report on the Social, Economic, Health and Family Lives of Young People.

K Muir, K Mullan, A Powell, S Flaxman… - … Department of Education …, 2009 - ERIC
This report presents a comprehensive picture of how young Australians are faring by
bringing together data from a variety of sources and drawing on the comments of young …