Support for a neurobiological view of trauma with implications for art therapy

L Gantt, LW Tinnin - The Arts in Psychotherapy, 2009 - Elsevier
Three lines of research support the concept that trauma is primarily a nonverbal problem:(a)
evolutionary survival responses;(b) brain imagery studies of human responses to trauma …

Defining trauma.

CJ Dalenberg, E Straus, EB Carlson - 2017 -
When an organization such as the American Psychological Association commissions a
handbook on the topic of trauma psychology, what do they mean by trauma? Whether the …

Group therapy and PTSD: Acceptance and commitment art therapy groups with Vietnam veterans with PTSD

A Backos, C Mazzeo - Art Therapy with Military Populations, 2017 -
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) combined with art therapy is a promising
modification of treatment that offers both verbal and non-verbal approaches to healing from …

Trauma theory

SL Bloom - Humanising Mental Health Care in Australia, 2019 -
Across the millennia, the human brain has evolved to function as an integrated whole, with
mind and body acting in concert, constantly adapting to a wide range of ecological …

[图书][B] Humanising Mental Health Care in Australia

R Benjamin, J Haliburn, S King - 2019 -
The lack of an accurate and comprehensive diagnostic concept has serious consequences
for treatment, because the connection between the patient's symptoms and the traumatic …

[PDF][PDF] The hero's journey of self-transformation: Models of higher development from mythology

D Hartman, D Zimberoff - Journal of Heart-Centered Therapies, 2009 - Citeseer
The first three stages of the Hero's Journey-preparation, becoming one's authentic self, and
then claiming the 'treasure hard to attain'–can be seen in Jungian perspective as confronting …

[图书][B] Heart of Violence: Why People Harm Each Other

P Valent - 2020 -
Violence is the plague of our civilization. Its many tentacles–domestic violence, criminal
violence, sexual abuse, terrorism, state violence, revolution, war and genocide tentacles …

[图书][B] Comparison of PTSD and compassion fatigue between urban and rural paramedics

DJ Crampton - 2014 -
Paramedics are among those few who are on the frontlines of Emergency Medical Services.
They may respond on many calls that can produce significant mental trauma. Many of these …

[PDF][PDF] Bringing unconscious choices to awareness:'default mode', body rhythms, and hypnosis

D Hartman, D Zimberoff - Journal of Heart-Centered Therapies, 2011 -
Psychotherapy, and in particular hypnotherapy, affects the brain, as well as the thoughts and
beliefs processed by the brain, through the process of neuroplasticity and neurogenesis …

[PDF][PDF] PDD_Wellness Counseling Model Lifespan

E Nurkholidah - 2023 -
Masalah atau kesenjangan yang akan diatasi dalam penelitian ini adalah, belum adanya:(1)
program di sekolah mengenai penyelenggaraan pengembangan survival-safety skills pada …