[图书][B] Mekanisme transmisi kebijakan moneter di Indonesia

P Warjiyo - 2017 - books.google.com
Kebijakan moneter yang ditempuh bank sentral selalu menarik perhatian masyarakat. Pada
waktu bank sental menaikkan suku bunga, misalnya, perbankan dan para pelaku pasar …

Stabilitas sistem perbankan dan kebijakan moneter: keterkaitan dan perkembangannya di Indonesia

P Warjiyo - Buletin Ekonomi Moneter dan Perbankan, 2006 - bmeb-bi.org
This paper reviews the inter-linkage between banking stability and monetary policy, with a
reference to the Indonesian case since the 1997 crisis. In particular, it shows how monetary …

[图书][B] Central bank policy: Theory and practice

P Warjiyo, SM Juhro - 2019 - emerald.com
Bibliography | Emerald Insight Books and journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open
Access Publish with us Advanced search Bibliography Perry Warjiyo Solikin M. Juhro …

The monetary policy regime in Indonesia

SM Juhro, M Goeltom - … Financial Linkages in Pacific Region, Akira …, 2015 - papers.ssrn.com
The challenges encountered after the financial crises of 1997–98 and 2008–09 have
revealed some valuable lessons with regard to monetary policy. In a small open economy …

The regional impact of monetary policy in i ndonesia

MM Ridhwan, HLF de Groot, P Rietveld… - Growth and …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
This paper employs vector autoregressive (VAR) models to measure the impact of monetary
policy shocks on regional output in I ndonesia. We find substantial cross‐regional variation …

[PDF][PDF] The transmission mechanisms of monetary policy in Indonesia

MS Goeltom - Participants in the meeting, 2008 - researchgate.net
A major change in the conduct of monetary policy in Indonesia in the aftermath of the 1997–
2000 crisis was Act no 23/1999 and its revision in Act no 3/2004 that gives Bank Indonesia …

[图书][B] Instrumen Pengendalian Moneter: Operasi Pasar Terbuka

FX Sugiyono - 2017 - books.google.com
Sebagai salah satu bagian integral dari kebijakan ekonomi makro, kebijakan moneter
mempunyai peranan yang strategis mengingat kebijakan moneter dapat mempengaruhi …

Alur Transmisi Dan Efektifitas Kebijakan Moneter Ganda Di Indonesia

A Ascarya - Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, 2012 - bulletin.bmeb-bi.org
This study aims to investigate transmission mechanism of dual monetary system from
conventional and Islamic policy rates to inflation and output using Granger and VAR …

The regional impact of monetary policy in Indonesia

MM Ridhwan, HLF de Groot, P Rietveld, P Nijkamp - 2011 - papers.ssrn.com
Abstract This paper employs Vector Autoregression (VAR) models to measure the impact of
monetary policy shocks on regional output in Indonesia. Having incorporated a possible …

Transmission channel and effectiveness of dual monetary policy in Indonesia

A Ascarya - Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, 2012 - bulletin.bmeb-bi.org
This paper investigates the transmission mechanism of dual monetary system from
conventional and Islamic policy rates to inflation and output. We apply Granger Causality …