[PDF][PDF] Fiscal Policies of Korea through the Global Financial Crisis

SK Hur, ST Kim - Korea and the World Economy, 2012 - core.ac.uk
The aftermath of the US subprime mortgage crisis in 2007 pervaded the globe so fast,
plunging the global financial system almost into chaos. Most economies, consequently, have …

Testing for Nonlinear Threshold Cointegration in the Monetary Model of Exchange Rates with a Century of Data

J Lee, MC Strazicich - KDI Journal of Economic Policy, 2009 - koreascience.kr
The monetary model suggests that nominal exchange rates between two countries will be
determined by important macroeconomic variables. The existence of a cointegrating …

[PDF][PDF] 화폐모형에의한환율결정이론의비선형문턱공적분검정: 100 년간자료를중심으로

J Lee, MC Strazicich - 韓國開發硏究 - files.ethz.ch
The monetary model suggests that nominal exchange rates between two countries will be
determined by important macroeconomic variables. The existence of a cointegrating …

[PDF][PDF] 화페모형에의한환율결정이론의비선형문턱공적분검정: 100 년간자료를중심으로

이준수 - 2009 - archives.kdischool.ac.kr
The monetary model suggests that nominal exchange rates between two countries will be
determined by important macroeconomic variables. The existence of a cointegrating …