A literature review: efficacy of online learning courses for higher education institution using meta-analysis

MDB Castro, GM Tumibay - Education and Information Technologies, 2021 - Springer
The Internet has made online learning possible, and many educators and researchers are
interested in online learning courses to enhance and improve the student learning outcomes …

Designing a Digital Teaching Module Based on Mathematical Communication in Relation and Function.

DP Putri, F Ferdianto, SH Fauji - Journal on Mathematics Education, 2020 - ERIC
The purpose of this study is to design a digital module based on mathematical
communication skills. This a development research which is carried out to determine the use …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluating the pedagogy of technology integrated teaching and learning: An overview

GS Ching, A Roberts - International Journal of Research, 2020 - researchgate.net
The advent of COVID-19 has critically changed how we perceived the process of teaching
and learning today. To cope with these changes, the classroom of today is without a doubt …

The problem-based learning e-module of planes using Kvisoft Flipbook Maker for elementary school students

D Triwahyuningtyas, AS Ningtyas… - Jurnal Prima …, 2020 - journal.uny.ac.id
The conduct of the present study is encouraged by the needs to afford the teaching materials
in the form of an electronic learning module or e-module that can be combined with the …

Problem-based gaming via an augmented reality mobile game and a printed game in foreign language education

J Lee - Education and Information Technologies, 2022 - Springer
Grounded in game-based learning and problem-based learning, this study compared the
effects of an augmented reality (AR) mobile game and a printed game on student …

Pengembangan video pembelajaran IPA pada materi pencemaran dan kerusakan lingkungan

R Mutia, A Adlim, A Halim - Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia …, 2017 - jurnal.usk.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media belajar video pada materi
pencemaran dan kerusakan lingkungan untuk siswa kelas VII SMP Inshafuddin Banda …

Development of android-based millealab virtual reality media in natural science learning

Z Zulherman, G Amirulloh, A Purnomo… - … Indonesian Journal of …, 2021 - jurnal.usk.ac.id
Basically, media is something that cannot be separated from the learning component. The
use of unattractive and varied media can make students bored and bored when the learning …

Pengembangan media belajar Pop-up Book pada materi minyak bumi

M Safri, SA Sari, M Marlina - Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia …, 2017 - jurnal.usk.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media belajar pop-up book materi minyak
bumi untuk peserta didik kelas XI SMAN 11 Banda Aceh. Metode penelitian yang digunakan …

[图书][B] Pembelajaran aktif, Kreatif, dan Mandiri pada mata kuliah algoritma dan pemrograman

W Susanti, S Kom, M Kom - 2021 - books.google.com
Buku ini merupakan hasil dari penelitian yang telah diuji dan telah dilakukan kevalidannya
oleh para ahli di bidangnya. Buku ini berisikan bagaimana model pembelajaran dari …

Pemanfaatan Bot Telegram Untuk Media Informasi Penelitian

AD Mulyanto - MATICS: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan …, 2020 - ejournal.uin-malang.ac.id
Bot telegram dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media informasi penelitian. Pada artikel ini kami
mencoba melakukan pengembangan media informasi penelitian menggunakan bot …