Physiological and transcriptomic analyses of the effects of coronatine on drought tolerance in Carex leucochlora

Y Wang, J Shi, Z Ren, X Fan, R Li, C Yu, Z Peng… - Environmental and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Drought is an important factor limiting plant growth, development, and productivity. Recently,
coronatine (COR) has emerged as a mimic of jasmonates, which play diverse roles in plant …

Effects of regulated deficit irrigation on crop water productivity, yield components, and yield response factor of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L)

S Alipour, MZ Amini, MD Haidari - Asian J. Water Res, 2022 -
Due to declining water resources allocated to agriculture and rapid population growth, it is
important to use water efficiently and increase crop water productivity (CWP). Deficit …

Influence of exogenous 28-homobrassinolide optimized dosage and edah application on hormone status, grain filling, and maize production

M Hussain, Z Wang, Y Mo, G Huang, R Kaousar, W Tan - Processes, 2022 -
Exogenously applied phytohormones improve the endosperm cells and establish greater
kernel sink capacity and grain filling, improving grain yield. In this study, 28 …


李婷婷 - 臺灣大學植物醫學碩士學位學程學位論文, 2019 -
樹木褐根病由有害木層孔菌Pyrrhoderma noxium (≡ Phellinus noxius) 所引起,
為熱帶及亞熱帶地區常見樹木病害, 罹病樹木往往在地上部出現病徵或病兆之前即因大量根系 …

Влияние регулируемого дефицитного орошения на водозависимую продуктивность, компоненты урожайности и коэффициент прироста урожайности …

С Алипур, МЗ Амини, МД Хайдари -
Аннотация В связи с сокращением объема водных ресурсов, выделяемых на нужды
сельского хозяйства, и быстрым ростом численности населения важно эффективно …