Towards natural language interfaces for data visualization: A survey

L Shen, E Shen, Y Luo, X Yang, X Hu… - IEEE transactions on …, 2022 -
Utilizing Visualization-oriented Natural Language Interfaces (V-NLI) as a complementary
input modality to direct manipulation for visual analytics can provide an engaging user …

Making data visualization more efficient and effective: a survey

X Qin, Y Luo, N Tang, G Li - The VLDB Journal, 2020 - Springer
Data visualization is crucial in today's data-driven business world, which has been widely
used for helping decision making that is closely related to major revenues of many industrial …

Voyager: Exploratory analysis via faceted browsing of visualization recommendations

K Wongsuphasawat, D Moritz, A Anand… - IEEE transactions on …, 2015 -
General visualization tools typically require manual specification of views: analysts must
select data variables and then choose which transformations and visual encodings to apply …

Voyager 2: Augmenting visual analysis with partial view specifications

K Wongsuphasawat, Z Qu, D Moritz, R Chang… - Proceedings of the …, 2017 -
Visual data analysis involves both open-ended and focused exploration. Manual chart
specification tools support question answering, but are often tedious for early-stage …

Deepeye: Towards automatic data visualization

Y Luo, X Qin, N Tang, G Li - 2018 IEEE 34th international …, 2018 -
Data visualization is invaluable for explaining the significance of data to people who are
visually oriented. The central task of automatic data visualization is, given a dataset, to …

Augmenting visualizations with interactive data facts to facilitate interpretation and communication

A Srinivasan, SM Drucker, A Endert… - IEEE transactions on …, 2018 -
Recently, an increasing number of visualization systems have begun to incorporate natural
language generation (NLG) capabilities into their interfaces. NLG-based visualization …

NL4DV: A toolkit for generating analytic specifications for data visualization from natural language queries

A Narechania, A Srinivasan… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 -
Natural language interfaces (NLls) have shown great promise for visual data analysis,
allowing people to flexibly specify and interact with visualizations. However, developing …

Data2vis: Automatic generation of data visualizations using sequence-to-sequence recurrent neural networks

V Dibia, Ç Demiralp - IEEE computer graphics and applications, 2019 -
Rapidly creating effective visualizations using expressive grammars is challenging for users
who have limited time and limited skills in statistics and data visualization. Even high-level …

Knowledge generation model for visual analytics

D Sacha, A Stoffel, F Stoffel, BC Kwon… - IEEE transactions on …, 2014 -
Visual analytics enables us to analyze huge information spaces in order to support complex
decision making and data exploration. Humans play a central role in generating knowledge …

Characterizing guidance in visual analytics

D Ceneda, T Gschwandtner, T May… - IEEE transactions on …, 2016 -
Visual analytics (VA) is typically applied in scenarios where complex data has to be
analyzed. Unfortunately, there is a natural correlation between the complexity of the data …