[HTML][HTML] Does Quantum Learning Model Increase Academic Achievement?: A Meta-Analysis Study
MS Yiğiter - Cumhuriyet Uluslararası Eğitim Dergisi, 2023 - cije.cumhuriyet.edu.tr
Quantum Learning Model (QLM) is a model that enables students to have a joyful learning
experience, aims to realise permanent learning, and aims to learn by making sense in the …
experience, aims to realise permanent learning, and aims to learn by making sense in the …
The Effectiveness of the Quantum and Discovery Learning Models on Learning Achievement of Islamic Education in Junior High Schools
IL Wati, RW Daryono - IJORER: International Journal of …, 2024 - journal.ia-education.com
Objective: Low student learning outcomes in Islamic religious education lessons so that the
required learning competencies are not achieved. This research aims to improve students' …
required learning competencies are not achieved. This research aims to improve students' …
The Effect of Quantum Teaching Method on Motivation and Arabic Language Learning Outcomes (Literature Study)
AIO Pradini, M Abdurrahman… - Edunesia: Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2023 - edunesia.org
This study analyzes the effectiveness of the Quantum Teaching method in improving
motivation and learning outcomes in Arabic. Researchers use descriptive qualitative …
motivation and learning outcomes in Arabic. Researchers use descriptive qualitative …
Fa'aliyah Istikhdam Namudzaj At-Ta'lim At-Ta'awuni Bi Nau'i Mu'adlilah Al-Kalimat Li Tarqiyah Isti'ab Al-Mufradat
J Sutarjo - An Nabighoh, 2022 - e-journal.metrouniv.ac.id
The Arabic vocabulary has characteristics that distinguish it from other vocabulary, such as
the exits of it's letters, meaning and derivations. Therefore, the teacher should use the …
the exits of it's letters, meaning and derivations. Therefore, the teacher should use the …
[PDF][PDF] Model-Model Pembelajaran: Panduan Lengkap untuk Meningkatkan Efektivitas Pendidikan
MA Fadillah - researchgate.net
Artikel ini menganalisis berbagai model pembelajaran yang sering diterapkan dalam
konteks pendidikan modern. Model-model pembelajaran yang dianalisis mencakup …
konteks pendidikan modern. Model-model pembelajaran yang dianalisis mencakup …
[PDF][PDF] Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education
MS YİĞİTER - Journal of Education, 2017 - academia.edu
Quantum Learning Model (QLM) is a model that enables students to have a joyful learning
experience, aims to realise permanent learning, and aims to learn by making sense in the …
experience, aims to realise permanent learning, and aims to learn by making sense in the …