Affordance-based mobile robot navigation among movable obstacles

M Wang, R Luo, AÖ Önol, T Padir - 2020 IEEE/RSJ International …, 2020 -
Avoiding obstacles in the perceived world has been the classical approach to autonomous
mobile robot navigation. However, this usually leads to unnatural and inefficient motions that …

RUR53: an unmanned ground vehicle for navigation, recognition, and manipulation

N Castaman, E Tosello, M Antonello… - Advanced …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This paper proposes RUR53: an Unmanned Ground Vehicle able to navigate through,
identify, and reach areas of interest. There, it can recognize, localize, and manipulate work …

Towards S-NAMO: Socially-aware navigation among movable obstacles

B Renault, J Saraydaryan, O Simonin - … 2019: Robot World Cup XXIII 23, 2019 - Springer
In this paper, we present an in-depth analysis of Navigation Among Movable Obstacles
(NAMO) literature, notably highlighting that social acceptability remains an unadressed …

Conditional task and motion planning through an effort-based approach

N Castaman, E Tosello… - 2018 IEEE International …, 2018 -
This paper proposes a preliminary work on a Conditional Task and Motion Planning
algorithm able to find a plan that minimizes robot efforts while solving assigned tasks. Unlike …

A sampling-based tree planner for robot navigation among movable obstacles

N Castaman - 2016 -
This thesis proposes a planner that solves Navigation Among Movable Obstacles problems
giving robots the ability to reason about the environment and choose when manipulating …

Contact-Based Interactions between a Robot and Its Environment: Planning, Control and Application

M Wang - 2021 -
Physical contact is one of the primary ways for robots to interact with the environment.
Robots can both perceive and modify the environment through contacts. It is thus important …