[图书][B] Situational analysis in practice: Mapping research with grounded theory

AE Clarke, R Washburn, C Friese, AE Clarke - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Situational Analysis creates analytic maps of social processes and relationships identified
using grounded theory. Creator of the method, award-winning sociologist Adele E. Clarke …

[图书][B] Essentials of accessible grounded theory

PN Stern, CJ Porr - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Phyllis Noerager Stern and Caroline Porr provide the most accessible description of
grounded theory methods to date in this brief, clear, and useful guide. Based on the …

Fenomenologia dei social network. Presenza, relazioni e consumi mediali degli italiani online

G Boccia Artieri, L Gemini, F Pasquali, S Carlo… - …, 2017 - aisberg.unibg.it
Cosa spinge ogni giorno milioni di persone a utilizzare i social network ea considerarli uno
spazio oramai dato per scontato della propria vita quotidiana? Perché molti temi caldi del …

Perceived identity: Applying grounded theory in libraries

C Faggiolani - JLIS: Italian Journal of Library, Archives and …, 2011 - torrossa.com
L'applicazione della Grounded Theory alle indagini finalizzate ad approfondire l'identità
della biblioteca percepita dagli utenti è illustrata attraverso uno studio su quattro biblioteche …

Verso una “valutazione sostenibile” all'università: percezioni di efficacia dei processi di dare e ricevere feedback fra pari

V Grion, C Tino - LLL, 2018 - research.unipd.it
Già da tempo la letteratura internazionale ha rilevato l'importante ruolo del feedback nei pro
cessi di valutazioneas uppo rto dell'apprendimento. Recentemente si è osservato che non …

Theorizing in grounded theory and creative abduction

L Bruscaglioni - Quality & Quantity, 2016 - Springer
This article aims to contribute to the analysis of the logical arguments in Grounded Theory
(GT), both in the version of Glaser (Basics of Grounded Theory analysis: emergence versus …

Building an 'intercultural ethos' in teacher education

M Tarozzi - Intercultural education, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Both in Europe and in North America, teacher education plays a key role in guaranteeing an
inclusive school for all and, in particular, is crucial for preparing teachers working with …

Implementing global citizenship education in EU primary schools: The role of government ministries

M Tarozzi, C Inguaggiato - International Journal of Development …, 2018 - discovery.ucl.ac.uk
According to recommendations of the UN Secretary General's Global Education First
Initiative, countries and regions require a number of structural changes if they are to …

Moral distress in community and hospital settings for the care of elderly people. A grounded theory qualitative study

G Villa, F Pennestrì, D Rosa, N Giannetta, R Sala… - Healthcare, 2021 - mdpi.com
Background: Moral distress has frequently been investigated in single healthcare settings
and concerning a single type of professional. This study aimed to describe the experience of …

Exploring the psychosocial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on women's perinatal experiences and wellbeing: A qualitative study

F Mari, M Capasso, D Caso - Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 2023 - Elsevier
Objective While many studies have investigated the clinical impact of the Covid-19
pandemic on pregnant women's mental health, little attention has been paid to the …