[引用][C] A History of Archaeological thought

B Trigger - 1989 - books.google.com
Bruce Trigger's new book is the first ever to examine the history of archaeology from
medieval times to the present in world-wide perspective. At once stimulating and even …

[图书][B] Debating Archaeology: Updated Edition

LR Binford - 2016 - api.taylorfrancis.com
In this volume, the founder of processual archaeology, Lewis R. Binford collects and
comments on the twenty-eight substantive papers published in the 1980's, the third in his set …

Hawks, serpents, and bird-men: Emergence of the Oneota mode of production

DW Benn - Plains Anthropologist, 1989 - Taylor & Francis
The late prehistoric Oneota society of the midwestern United States is analyzed for its
politicoeconomic structure. Oneota cultural organization is compared with Mississippian …

Diversity of the upper paleolithic “venus figurines and archeological mythology”

SM Nelson - Archeological Papers of the American …, 1990 - Wiley Online Library
Diversity of the Upper Paleolithic â•œVenus Figurines and Archeological Mythologyâ•š Page
1 Diversity of the Upper Paleolithic 'Venus11 Figurines and Archeological Mythology Sarah M …

Marxism in contemporary Western archaeology

BG Trigger - Archaeological method and theory, 1993 - JSTOR
In his three-volume history and critique of Marxism, Polish philosopher Laszek Kolakowski
(1978a, 1978b, 1978c) has ar gued that, although in recent years Marxist views have …

[图书][B] Artifacts and ideas: Essays in archaeology

B Trigger - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Prehistoric archaeologists cannot observe their human subjects nor can they directly access
their subjects' ideas. Both must be inferred from the remnants of the material objects they …

[图书][B] Shamans, queens, and figurines: the development of gender archaeology

SM Nelson - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Sarah Nelson, recognized as one of the key figures in studying gender in the ancient world
and women in archaeology, brings together much of the work she has done over three …

Slow science for fast archaeology

MM Marila - Current Swedish Archaeology, 2019 - publicera.kb.se
This contribution contends that, with the recent genetic revolution, archaeology has reached
a new scientism, a development that could lead to fewer opportunities in the epistemology of …

[PDF][PDF] Introductory notes to a speculative epistemology of archaeology

M Marila - Unpublished PhD Thesis. University of Helsinki …, 2020 - helda.helsinki.fi
In philosophical metaphysics, speculation is often seen to have value as an ontological
concept referring to rational contemplation on the fundamental yet unobservable nature of …

[图书][B] High stakes: A poly-communal archaeology of the Pocumtuck Fort, Deerfield, Massachusetts

SM Hart - 2009 - search.proquest.com
The process of defining heritage is fraught with the inequalities of social and political power
concomitant with colonialism. As a result, disenfranchised and marginalized groups …