Psychological perspectives on legitimacy and legitimation

TR Tyler - Annu. Rev. Psychol., 2006 -
Legitimacy is a psychological property of an authority, institution, or social arrangement that
leads those connected to it to believe that it is appropriate, proper, and just. Because of …

The legitimacy of the US Supreme Court: Conventional wisdoms and recent challenges thereto

JL Gibson, MJ Nelson - Annual Review of Law and Social …, 2014 -
Research on the legitimacy of the US Supreme Court has blossomed of late, with scholars
investigating many different hypotheses derived from legitimacy theory. As the theory has …

The effect of a Supreme Court decision regarding gay marriage on social norms and personal attitudes

ME Tankard, EL Paluck - Psychological science, 2017 -
We propose that institutions such as the US Supreme Court can lead individuals to update
their perceptions of social norms, in contrast to the mixed evidence on whether institutions …

Conceptualizing legitimacy, measuring legitimating beliefs

M Levi, A Sacks, T Tyler - American behavioral scientist, 2009 -
Legitimacy is a concept meant to capture the beliefs that bolster willing obedience. The
authors model legitimacy as a sense of obligation or willingness to obey authorities (value …

Overcoming apartheid: Can truth reconcile a divided nation?

JL Gibson* - Politikon, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
Throughout the world, truth commissions have been (and are being) constructed under the
hope that discovering the 'truth'about a country's past conflicts will somehow contribute to …

Nurturing regulatory compliance: Is procedural justice effective when people question the legitimacy of the law?

K Murphy, TR Tyler, A Curtis - Regulation & governance, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Procedural justice generally enhances an authority's legitimacy and encourages people to
comply with an authority's decisions and rules. We argue, however, that previous research …

The legitimacy of the US Supreme Court in a polarized polity

JL Gibson - Journal of empirical legal studies, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Conventional political science wisdom holds that contemporary American politics is
characterized by deep and profound partisan and ideological divisions. Unanswered is the …

Judicial review as a response to political posturing

J Fox, MC Stephenson - American Political Science Review, 2011 -
We use an agency model to analyze the impact of judicial review on the incentives of
elected leaders to “posture” by enacting bold but ill-advised policies. We find that judicial …

[图书][B] The limits of legitimacy: Dissenting opinions, media coverage, and public responses to Supreme Court decisions

M Zilis - 2015 -
When the US Supreme Court announces a decision, reporters simplify and dramatize the
complex legal issues by highlighting dissenting opinions and thus emphasizing conflict …

[图书][B] Public opinion: Democratic ideals, democratic practice

RA Clawson, ZM Oxley - 2020 -
In Public Opinion: Democratic Ideals, Democratic Practice, Fourth Edition, Clawson and
Oxley link the enduring normative questions of democratic theory to existing empirical …