Systematic regulation of systemic risk

SL Schwarcz - Wis. L. REv., 2019 - HeinOnline
SYSTEMATIC REGULATION OF SYSTEMIC RISK Introduction ....................................................................

[PDF][PDF] Direito e consequência no Brasil: em busca de um discurso sobre o método

M Pargendler, BM Salama - 2013 -
Proliferam hoje instituições de pesquisa e trabalhos acadêmicos em direito que-
diferentemente do método jurídico tradicional, mas à semelhança das demais ciências …

Law and macroeconomics: The law and economics of recessions

Y Listokin - Yale J. on Reg., 2017 - HeinOnline
In this Article, I make three claims. Together, they present a macroeconomic perspective on
law that differs from the microeconomic perspective that currently dominates law and …

Economic Analysis of Labor Regulation

H Hafiz - Wis. L. REv., 2017 - HeinOnline
In 1935, when the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) was passed to protect and
encourage workers to join collectively and lift themselves out of the Depression, union …

The Emergence of Law and Macroeconomics: From Stability to Growth to Human Development

SA Ramirez - Law & Contemp. Probs., 2020 - HeinOnline
The" untold trillions" in economic costs inflicted by the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, 1
accompanied by political and social disruptions, demand that lawmakers better comprehend …

Pemanfaatan Law and Economics Sebagai Metodologi Analisis Hukum Di Indonesia

KP Isyunanda - Mimbar Hukum -
There are various dimensions of legal thoughts to solve and provide logical solutions for
legal issues or problems. The complexity of problems that require legal solutions creates an …

Hukuk ve iktisat yaklaşımında bir iktisatçı: Ronald H. Coase

AE Tayyar - Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 2020 -
Ronald H. Coase has made significant contributions to the development of the Law and
Economy approach as an Economist. For this reason, the main purpose of this article is to …

A Law & Macroeconomics Critique of San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez

SA Ramirez - Loy. U. Chi. LJ, 2023 - HeinOnline
Fifty years ago, the Supreme Court decided, in San Antonio Independ-ent School District v.
Rodriguez, 1 to permit states to provide dramatically disparate funding for childhood …

Considering Law and Macroeconomics

A Gelpern, AJ Levitin - Law & Contemp. Probs., 2020 - HeinOnline
The worst financial and economic crisis to hit the world's richest economies since the Great
Depression inspired a flood of scholarship that straddled the disciplines of law and …

The renminbi and systemic risk

C Brummer - Journal of International Economic Law, 2017 -
The internationalization of China's currency, the renminbi (RMB), is arising in ways that
depart considerably from historical precedent and what 'law and macro economic'theory …