[PDF][PDF] Impact of capital structure on financial performance of listed industrial goods companies in Nigeria

SY BAWA - Research Journal of Management Practice| ISSN, 2022 - ijaar.org
The study examines the impacts of capital structure on financial performance of listed
industrial goods companies in Nigeria covering the period of sixteen (16) years from 2003 to …

Analisis Pengaruh Struktur Modal Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan pada Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia

K Kelvin, H Haryanto - Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam, 2023 - jurnal.stie-aas.ac.id
This study aims to examine the relationship between capital structure as measured by
leverage and control variables, namely firm size, firm age, firm growth, tangibility and …

Firm Characteristics and Financial Performance of Insurance Firms in Kenya

AM Kamau - 2022 - ir.jkuat.ac.ke
Insurance firms in Kenya continue to experience low penetration rate compared to their
counterparts in the financial sector both locally and globally. This greatly hampers their …

Assessing the Role of Capital Structure and Promoters' Holding on Performance

S Ghosh, A Sinha - SDMIMD Journal of Management, 2024 - informaticsjournals.co.in
Understanding the role of capital structure and ownership structure on performance has
raised interest among researchers in corporate finance. The present examination delves into …


E Wuryani - International Journal of Economics and Finance …, 2022 - sobiad.org
Microfinance institutions serve two purposes: collection and distribution of funds.
Microfinance enterprises use principal, mandated, and voluntary deposits to raise capital. As …

The Impact of Capital Structure on the Financial Performance of Insurance Companies: An Econometric Analysis of the Insurance Industry in Kosovo

F Morina, V Berisha, K Idrizaj - … Impacts on Insurance Law: ESG Concerns …, 2024 - Springer
The primary purpose of this chapter is to analyze the impact of capital structure on the
financial performance of insurance companies in Kosovo. During the literature review …

Adoption of corporate governance best practices and existence of compliance committee affecting company performance: The case of top 100 Malaysia listed …

ZH Ong - 2023 - eprints.utar.edu.my
This study aims to investigate the effects of corporate governance (CG) best practices on the
performance of the top 100 PLCs in Malaysia. The design of this study is quantitative and …

[PDF][PDF] Impact of Lease Financing and Capital Structure on Financial Performance of Listed Oil and Gas Companies in Nigeria

S Bappah, AY Ali, B Wabida - GSJ, 2024 - researchgate.net
This study examines the impact of lease financing and capital structure on financial
performance of listed Nigerian oil and Gas companies for the period of 10 years 2011-2020 …


HK Al-Shattarat - Tec Empresarial, 2023 - revistastecac.cr
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between capital structure and
profitability in industrial companies. The study collected data by reviewing the annual …

Pengaruh Struktur Modal, Ukuran Perusahaan Dan Profitabilitas Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Asuransi yang Tercatat Di BEI Tahun …

WS Agustin - 2023 - eprints.ums.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh struktur modal, ukuran perusahaan dan
profitabilitas terhadap nilai perusahaan asuransi yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia …