Sedimentology of rock avalanche deposits–Case study and review

A Dufresne, A Bösmeier, C Prager - Earth-Science Reviews, 2016 - Elsevier
Detailed sedimentological studies concerning different facies types and the factors
influencing their development (such as lithology, topography, substrates, etc.) were carried …

Geomorphology and age of the Marocche di Dro rock avalanches (Trentino, Italy)

S Ivy-Ochs, S Martin, P Campedel, K Hippe… - Quaternary Science …, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract The Marocche di Dro deposits in the lower Sarca Valley are some of the most
distinctive rock avalanche deposits of the Alps. We use geomorphology and cosmogenic 36 …

Insights into the kinematics and dynamics of the Luanshibao rock avalanche (Tibetan Plateau, China) based on its complex surface landforms

YF Wang, QG Cheng, QW Lin, K Li, HF Yang - Geomorphology, 2018 - Elsevier
Complex topographic features on the surfaces of rock avalanche deposits have been
regarded as important indicators for understanding avalanche kinematics and dynamics …

[HTML][HTML] 雅鲁藏布江大峡谷则隆弄高位冰岩崩灾害链动力学特征

高少华, 殷跃平, 李滨, 高杨, 万佳威, 张田田, 高浩源 - 工程地质学报, 2024 -
雅鲁藏布江下游冰川分布广泛, 曾发生多次高位冰岩崩事件, 引发灾害链, 如泥石流或碎屑流,
危害巨大. 本文通过野外现场调查, 结合多时相卫星图像及无人机数据, 以则隆弄沟为例 …

Process dependence of grain size distributions in rock avalanche deposits

A Dufresne, SA Dunning - Landslides, 2017 - Springer
Rock avalanches are a form of hazardous long-runout landslide and leave fragmented
deposits of complex sedimentology that, if studied in detail, can provide insight into their …

Rock avalanche deposits store quantitative evidence on internal shear during runout

M Zhang, MJ McSaveney - Geophysical Research Letters, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
We investigated the quantitative effect of internal shear on grain breakage during rock
avalanche runout, by means of 38 ring‐shear experiments on identical sand samples at …

The 2009 Jiweishan rock avalanche, Wulong, China: deposit characteristics and implications for its fragmentation

M Zhang, L Wu, J Zhang, L Li - Landslides, 2019 - Springer
In this study, field investigation and numerical modeling using Particle Flow Code (PFC)
were conducted to investigate deposit characteristics and their implications for the …

The largest rock avalanche in China at Iymek, Eastern Pamir, and its spectacular emplacement landscape

AW Shi, YF Wang, QG Cheng, QW Lin, TH Li… - Geomorphology, 2023 - Elsevier
Catastrophic rock avalanches are widely distributed on Earth and share a series of common
diagnostic features that play a vital role in revealing their emplacement mechanisms …

Rock avalanche mobility: optimal characterization and the effects of confinement

A Strom, L Li, H Lan - Landslides, 2019 - Springer
A Central Asia rock avalanche (rockslide) inventory that includes about 600 case studies
with measured parameters is used to present a quantitative characterization of rock …

Sedimentology and geomorphology of a large tsunamigenic landslide, Taan Fiord, Alaska

A Dufresne, M Geertsema, DH Shugar, M Koppes… - Sedimentary …, 2018 - Elsevier
On 17 October 2015, a landslide of roughly 60× 10 6 m 3 occurred at the terminus of Tyndall
Glacier in Taan Fiord, southeastern Alaska. It caused a tsunami that inundated an area over …