[图书][B] Multilingual speech processing

T Schultz, K Kirchhoff - 2006 - books.google.com
Tanja Schultz and Katrin Kirchhoff have compiled a comprehensive overview of speech
processing from a multilingual perspective. By taking this all-inclusive approach to speech …

Disfluencies as intra-utterance dialogue moves

J Ginzburg, RM Fernández… - Semantics and Pragmatics, 2014 - u-paris.hal.science
Although disfluent speech is pervasive in spoken conversation, disfluencies have received
little attention within formal theories of grammar. The majority of work on disfluent language …

[图书][B] Die Phonetik von äh und ähm: Akustische Variation von Füllpartikeln im Deutschen

M Belz - 2021 - library.oapen.org
Abstract In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird untersucht, welche akustischen Eigenschaften
Füllpartikeln wie äh und ähm in spontansprachlichen Dialogen des Deutschen zeigen und …

[HTML][HTML] Long-term within-speaker consistency of filled pauses in native and non-native speech

MM de Boer, H Quené, WFL Heeren - JASA express letters, 2022 - pubs.aip.org
Filled pauses are widely considered as a relatively consistent feature of an individual's
speech. However, acoustic consistency has only been observed within single-session …

[PDF][PDF] On the speaker specificity of hesitation markers.

A Braun, A Rosin - ICPhS, 2015 - internationalphoneticassociation.org
The occurrence of hesitation markers is generally considered to be part of the verbal
planning process. It is also a feature which is of potential importance to the forensic …

Grammar is a system that characterizes talk in interaction

J Ginzburg, M Poesio - Frontiers in Psychology, 2016 - frontiersin.org
Much of contemporary mainstream formal grammar theory is unable to provide analyses for
language as it occurs in actual spoken interaction. Its analyses are developed for a cleaned …

Cross-linguistic filled pause realization: The acoustics of uh and um in native Dutch and non-native English

MM de Boer, WFL Heeren - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of …, 2020 - pubs.aip.org
It has been claimed that filled pauses are transferred from the first (L1) into the second
language (L2), suggesting that they are not directly learned by L2 speakers. This would …

Between Äh(m) and Euh(m): The Distribution and Realization of Filled Pauses in the Speech of German-French Simultaneous Bilinguals

JJH Lo - Language and speech, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Filled pauses are well known for their speaker specificity, yet cross-linguistic research has
also shown language-specific trends in their distribution and phonetic quality. To examine …

[PDF][PDF] De la reconnaissance automatique de la parole à l'analyse linguistique de corpus oraux

M Adda-Decker - JEP, 2006 - perso.limsi.fr
This contribution aims at giving an overview of present automatic speech recognition in
French highlighting typical transcription problems for this language. Explanations for errors …

Should 'uh'and 'um'be categorized as markers of disfluency? The use of fillers in a challenging conversational context

L Degand, G Gilquin, L Meurant… - Fluency and disfluency …, 2019 - books.google.com
This paper examines the use of 'uh'and 'um'in spontaneous speech.'Uh'and 'um'have
traditionally been labeled as markers of disfluency, and in questionanswering, they are …