High strain rate mechanics of polymers: a review

CR Siviour, JL Jordan - Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 2016 - Springer
The mechanical properties of polymers are becoming increasingly important as they are
used in structural applications, both on their own and as matrix materials for composites. It …

Modelling of environmental ageing of polymers and polymer composites—modular and multiscale methods

AE Krauklis, CW Karl, IBCM Rocha, J Burlakovs… - Polymers, 2022 - mdpi.com
Service lifetimes of polymers and polymer composites are impacted by environmental
ageing. The validation of new composites and their environmental durability involves costly …

Thermosetting polymers

JP Pascault, RJJ Williams - Handbook of Polymer Synthesis …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Thermosetting polymers (also called thermosets) are a family of plastics characterized by the
fact that they are formed starting from a liquid solution that irreversibly leads to a solid …

[图书][B] Prediction of polymer properties

J Bicerano - 2002 - taylorfrancis.com
Highlighting a broad range multiscale modeling and methods for anticipating the
morphologies and the properties of interfaces and multiphase materials, this reference …

[图书][B] Principles of polymer systems

F Rodriguez, C Cohen, CK Ober, L Archer - 2014 - books.google.com
A classic text in the field of chemical engineering, this revised sixth edition offers a
comprehensive exploration of polymers at a level geared toward upper-level …

The dynamic mean-field density functional method and its application to the mesoscopic dynamics of quenched block copolymer melts

J Fraaije, BAC Van Vlimmeren, NM Maurits… - The Journal of …, 1997 - pubs.aip.org
In the arena of applied soft-condensed matter physics, mesoscopic dynamics models are
receiving increased attention as they form a bridge between fast molecular kinetics and slow …

Spider silk as archetypal protein elastomer

F Vollrath, D Porter - Soft Matter, 2006 - pubs.rsc.org
We present an overview of the physical properties of spider silks, and introduce a model
designed to study the energy absorbed by the material as it stretches before breaking. Of …

How surface topography relates to materials' properties

H Assender, V Bliznyuk, K Porfyrakis - Science, 2002 - science.org
The topography of a surface is known to substantially affect the bulk properties of a material.
Despite the often nanoscale nature of the surface undulations, the influence they have may …

[PDF][PDF] New secrets of spider silk: exceptionally high thermal conductivity and its abnormal change under stretching

X Huang, G Liu, X Wang - Advanced Materials, 2012 - me.iastate.edu
Generally, the thermal conductivity (k) of bulk polymers is very low [1](on the order of 0.1 W
m− 1 K− 1) because of strong phonon scattering by various defects and interfaces.[2] In the …

pH Induced Changes in the Rheology of Silk Fibroin Solution from the Middle Division of Bombyx mori Silkworm

AE Terry, DP Knight, D Porter, F Vollrath - Biomacromolecules, 2004 - ACS Publications
The rheological properties of fibroin silk solutions extracted from the middle division of
Bombyx mori silkworms were examined. Acidification of the solutions with acetic acid vapor …