Universal health coverage in Turkey: enhancement of equity
Turkey has successfully introduced health system changes and provided its citizens with the
right to health to achieve universal health coverage, which helped to address inequities in …
right to health to achieve universal health coverage, which helped to address inequities in …
[HTML][HTML] Effect of health system reforms in Turkey on user satisfaction
In 2003, the Turkish government introduced major health system changes, the Health
Transformation Programme (HTP), to achieve universal health coverage (UHC). The HTP …
Transformation Programme (HTP), to achieve universal health coverage (UHC). The HTP …
Political strategies for health reform in Turkey: extending veto point theory
This qualitative case study uses primary interview data to investigate the political processes
of how Turkey established a unified and universal health coverage system. The goal of …
of how Turkey established a unified and universal health coverage system. The goal of …
Türkiye'de katastrofik sağlık harcamalarını etkileyen faktörler
Türk sağlık sisteminin kronik sorunlarını gidermek amacıyla 2003 yılında Sağlıkta Dönüşüm
Programı ismiyle başlatılan sağlık reformu, temel olarak sağlık hizmetine erişimde …
Programı ismiyle başlatılan sağlık reformu, temel olarak sağlık hizmetine erişimde …
State budget transfers to health insurance funds: extending universal health coverage in low-and middle-income countries of the WHO European Region
I Mathauer, M Theisling, B Mathivet, I Vilcu - International Journal for …, 2016 - Springer
Background Many low-and middle-income countries (LMIC) of the World Health
Organization (WHO) European Region have introduced social health insurance payroll …
Organization (WHO) European Region have introduced social health insurance payroll …
[图书][B] CirCumCision and mediCine in modern Turkey
O Basaran - 2023 - degruyter.com
Untitled Page 1 Page 2 CirCumCision and mediCine in modern Turkey Page 3 Page 4
CirCumCision and MediCine in Modern Turkey Oyman Başaran universiTy of Texas press …
CirCumCision and MediCine in Modern Turkey Oyman Başaran universiTy of Texas press …
S Çinar, B Has - Hukuk ve İktisat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2022 - dergipark.org.tr
Yoksulluk esas itibariyle bireylerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabilmesi için yeterli gelire sahip
olmaması durumunu ifade etmektedir. Ülkeler açısından önemli olan bu sorunun …
olmaması durumunu ifade etmektedir. Ülkeler açısından önemli olan bu sorunun …
[PDF][PDF] The effect of health system evaluation plan on supplementary health insurance in Iran
E Mohamadi, T Yousefinezhadi… - Iran J Health …, 2018 - journal.ihio.gov.ir
Abstract Introduction: Implementation of the Health Transformation plan (HTP) has had many
effects so far. The analysis of these impacts can help policymakers and planners to …
effects so far. The analysis of these impacts can help policymakers and planners to …
How Turkey's AK Party Lost the Median Voter: A Social and Distributional Analysis of AKP Policies under Erdogan
MA Aran - Development Analytics Discussion Note, 2013 - papers.ssrn.com
The article explores the recent events in Turkey in May-June 2013 through the lens of the
ruling party AKP's social and distributional policies over time. While the AKP's early years in …
ruling party AKP's social and distributional policies over time. While the AKP's early years in …
Devlet destekli sosyal güvenliğin işgücüne etkisi: Yeşil Kart uygulaması
AH Aygün - Trends in Business and Economics - dergipark.org.tr
Türkiye'nin devlet destekli sağlık sigortası olan ve 1992 yılından itibaren uygulanan Yeşil
Kart'ın kapsamı 2005 yılı itibariyle ayakta tedavi hizmetlerini de kapsayacak şekilde …
Kart'ın kapsamı 2005 yılı itibariyle ayakta tedavi hizmetlerini de kapsayacak şekilde …