Life below zero: Bank lending under negative policy rates

F Heider, F Saidi, G Schepens - The Review of Financial Studies, 2019 -
We show that negative policy rates affect the supply of bank credit in a novel way. Banks are
reluctant to pass on negative rates to depositors, which increases the funding cost of high …

[HTML][HTML] Is there a zero lower bound? The effects of negative policy rates on banks and firms

C Altavilla, L Burlon, M Giannetti, S Holton - Journal of financial economics, 2022 - Elsevier
Exploiting confidential data from the euro area, we show that sound banks pass negative
rates on to their corporate depositors and that pass-through is not impaired when policy …

[HTML][HTML] Barriers to investment in utility-scale variable renewable electricity (VRE) generation projects

J Hu, R Harmsen, W Crijns-Graus, E Worrell - Renewable Energy, 2018 - Elsevier
To effectively mitigate climate change, variable renewable electricity (VRE) is expected to
substitute a great share of current fossil-fired electricity generation. However, VRE …

Why have negative nominal interest rates had such a small effect on bank performance? Cross country evidence

JA Lopez, AK Rose, MM Spiegel - European Economic Review, 2020 - Elsevier
We explore the impact of negative policy rates on banks using data on 5200 banks from 27
advanced European and Asian countries, 2010–2017. Our cross-country panel specification …

Bank market power and monetary policy transmission: Evidence from a structural estimation

Y Wang, TM Whited, Y Wu, K Xiao - The Journal of Finance, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
We quantify the impact of bank market power on monetary policy transmission through
banks to borrowers. We estimate a dynamic banking model in which monetary policy affects …

[PDF][PDF] Going negative at the zero lower bound: The effects of negative nominal interest rates

M Ulate - 2019 -
Abstract After the Great Recession several central banks started setting negative nominal
interest rates in an expansionary attempt, but the effectiveness of this measure remains …

Bank margins and profits in a world of negative rates

P Molyneux, A Reghezza, R Xie - Journal of Banking & Finance, 2019 - Elsevier
By investigating the influence of negative interest rate policy (NIRP) on bank margins and
profitability, this paper identifies country-and bank-specific characteristics that amplify or …

The first twenty years of the European Central Bank: monetary policy

P Hartmann, F Smets - 2018 -
On 1 June 2018 the ECB celebrated its 20th anniversary. This paper provides a
comprehensive view of the ECB's monetary policy over these two decades. The first section …

Negative monetary policy rates and systemic banks' risk‐taking: Evidence from the euro area securities register

J Bubeck, A Maddaloni… - Journal of Money, Credit …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
We show that negative monetary policy rates induce systemic banks to reach‐for‐yield. For
identification, we exploit the introduction of negative deposit rates by the European Central …

[图书][B] Negative monetary policy rates and portfolio rebalancing: Evidence from credit register data

M Bottero, MC Minoiu, JL Peydró, A Polo… - 2019 -
We study negative interest rate policy (NIRP) exploiting ECB's NIRP introduction and
administrative data from Italy, severely hit by the Eurozone crisis. NIRP has expansionary …