[图书][B] A handbook of process tracing methods for decision research: A critical review and user's guide

M Schulte-Mecklenbeck, A Kühberger, JG Johnson - 2011 - taylorfrancis.com
This handbook provides a critical review and user's guide to conducting and reporting
process tracing studies of decision making. Each chapter covers a specific method that is …

Using skin conductance in judgment and decision making research

B Figner, RO Murphy - A handbook of process tracing methods …, 2011 - books.google.com
INTRODUCTION he skin has electric properties that change on the relatively short time
scale of seconds and are closely related to psychological processes. These characteristics …

[图书][B] A handbook of process tracing methods

M Schulte-Mecklenbeck, A Kühberger, JG Johnson - 2019 - api.taylorfrancis.com
A Handbook of Process Tracing Methods demonstrates how to better understand decision
outcomes by studying decision processes, through the introduction of a number of exciting …

Attribute-wise vs. alternative-wise mechanism in intertemporal choice: Testing the proportional difference, trade-off, and hyperbolic models.

J Cheng, C González-Vallejo - Decision, 2016 - psycnet.apa.org
This study compared attribute-and alternative-wise mechanisms in intertemporal choice. The
trade-off (Scholten, Read, & Sanborn, 2014) and the proportional difference models …

Using facial EMG and eye tracking to study integral affect in discrete choice experiments

C Rasch, JJ Louviere, T Teichert - Journal of Choice Modelling, 2015 - Elsevier
Although affect has been found to be an integral part of decision-making, it is largely ignored
in the consumer choice modeling literature. Rational choice assumptions continue to be …

Herbert Simon's spell on judgment and decision making

KV Katsikopoulos, CHD Lan - Judgment and decision making, 2011 - cambridge.org
How many judgment and decision making (JDM) researchers have not claimed to be
building on Herbert Simon's work? We identify two of Simon's goals for JDM research: He …

Shaming as an incentive mechanism against stealing: Behavioral and physiological evidence

I Brocas, JD Carrillo, M Montgomery - Journal of public economics, 2021 - Elsevier
We study experimentally the decision of an individual to steal or pay for an object that is
produced at a cost by another individual. We consider two conditions. In the first condition …

Conflicted emotions following trust-based interaction

E Schniter, RM Sheremeta, TW Shields - Journal of Economic Psychology, 2015 - Elsevier
We observed reports of conflicted (concurrent positive and negative) emotions activated
after interactions in the Trust game. Our analyses reveal that activation of 20 emotional …

Deciphering brand loyalty through brand association and emotional confidence

AG Rashid, WH Rizvi, H Amir - Business Review, 2020 - ir.iba.edu.pk
This paper investigates the influence of emotional confidence and brand association on
brand loyalty and whether there is a statistically significant difference in the brand loyalty of …

Revisiting environmental groups and members' behaviour: budget, size and (im) pure altruism

E Asproudis - Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 2011 - Springer
Since the first environmental movement, a variety of conditions have influenced the
Environmental Non-Governmental Organisations' strategies and decisions. This diachronic …