[图书][B] Managing diversified portfolios: What multi-business firms can learn from private equity

DO Klier - 2009 - books.google.com
There has been a long tradition of research on the relation between diversification and
performance of public corporations in the strategy and finance fields. As for private equity …

[HTML][HTML] Facility location based on Adjusted Present Value

H Rezaei, N Bostel, V Hovelaque, O Péton… - Operations Research …, 2024 - Elsevier
Supply chain network design aims to optimize strategic decisions such as facility location
decisions. These decisions have a major impact on the supply chain, but also on the …

[PDF][PDF] 由整合分析與系統性回顧來建構價值創造理論.

劉楚明, 陳宥杉 - Commerce & Management Quarterly, 2023 - cabmt.org.tw
摘要目前學術界各學派對於價值創造尚未有統一的觀點, 本研究從各面向針對價值創造進行整合
分析. 價值有多重涵義與各角度研究, 例如: 金融財務, 行銷, 作業管理, 經濟學, 策略 …

[图书][B] Private Equity als Nachfolgeinstrument für Schweizer KMU

C Burkhardt - 2008 - books.google.com
In jüngster Zeit sind Familienunternehmen wieder in den Vordergrund des Interesses
gerückt, insbesondere wegen der Regelung der Nachfolge im Eigentum und in der …


CB Liew, YS Chen - Commerce & Management Quarterly, 2023 - search.proquest.com
This research study attempts to understand value creation by scholars of different research
disciplines via systemic literature review. Due to the polysemous nature and different …

Designing a supply chain network integrating financial dimensions

H Rezaei - 2022 - theses.hal.science
This thesis focuses on the development of a mathematical model and optimization
algorithms for the design of a supply chain integrating financial dimensions. We propose a …

A influência dos múltiplos comparáveis de mercado no retorno acionista. O caso das empresas ibéricas

PMC Gouveia - 2022 - repositorio.ipv.pt
Um investimento deve gerar um retorno suficiente que permita recuperar o capital investido,
assegurar a remuneração mínima exigida e gerar um excedente. Como tal, a procura por …

Private Equity: En kvalitativ studie av hur några svenska Private Equity bolag skapar värde i sina portföljbolag

S Persson, R Österborg - 2021 - diva-portal.org
Denna uppsats undersöker hur några svenska private equity bolag arbetar för att skapa
värde i sina portföljbolag. Tidigare studier har huvudsakligen gjorts på amerikanska och …

Real options in private equity firms

T Karuluoto - 2019 - lutpub.lut.fi
Real options existing in private equity firms have not been extensively studied previously.
The objective of this study is to provide opening research on the subject as only a few …

[PDF][PDF] Avaliação de empresas start-ups: abordagem tradicional x opções reais

LFB Bicudo - 2016 - repositorio.fgv.br
RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo é comparar as duas metodologias de avalição de
empresas, fluxo de caixa descontado e opções reais, para uma empresa start-up. Devido às …