Virtually the same? Analysing pedestrian behaviour by means of virtual reality

S Schneider, K Bengler - Transportation research part F: traffic psychology …, 2020 - Elsevier
Thanks to technological advancements, virtual reality has become increasingly flexible and
affordable, resulting in a growing number of user studies conducted in virtual environments …

Immersive technology-enabled digital transformation in transportation fields: A literature overview

F Li, AJC Trappey, CH Lee, L Li - Expert systems with applications, 2022 - Elsevier
Immersive technology is rapidly emerging as a powerful tool for enhancing the digital
transformation in transportation to deal with the complexity, high cost, and uncertainty in the …

BikeAR: Understanding cyclists' crossing decision-making at uncontrolled intersections using Augmented Reality

A Matviienko, F Müller, D Schön… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 -
Cycling has become increasingly popular as a means of transportation. However, cyclists
remain a highly vulnerable group of road users. According to accident reports, one of the …

Orclsim: A system architecture for studying bicyclist and pedestrian physiological behavior through immersive virtual environments

X Guo, A Angulo, E Robartes, TD Chen… - Journal of advanced …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Injuries and fatalities for vulnerable road users, especially bicyclists and pedestrians, are on
the rise. To better inform design for vulnerable road users, we need to evaluate how bicyclist …

Road crossing decisions in real and virtual environments: A comparative study on simulator validity

IT Feldstein, GN Dyszak - Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2020 - Elsevier
Virtual reality (VR) is a valuable tool for the assessment of human perception and behavior
in a risk-free environment. Investigators should, however, ensure that the used virtual …

Analysis of street-crossing behavior: comparing a CAVE simulator and a head-mounted display among younger and older adults

P Pala, V Cavallo, NT Dang, MA Granié… - Accident Analysis & …, 2021 - Elsevier
Interactive pedestrian simulators have become a valuable research tool for investigating
street-crossing behavior and developing solutions for improving pedestrian safety. There are …

Real and virtual environment mismatching induces arousal and alters movement behavior

C Mousas, D Kao, A Koilias… - 2020 IEEE Conference …, 2020 -
This paper examines a common problem found in a number of virtual reality setups—
mismatches between real and virtual environments. Specifically, this paper investigates …

Acting together: Joint pedestrian road crossing in an immersive virtual environment

Y Jiang, EE O'neal, JP Yon, L Franzen… - ACM Transactions on …, 2018 -
We investigated how two people jointly coordinate their decisions and actions in a co-
occupied, large-screen virtual environment. The task for participants was to physically cross …

Virtual reality in transportation and logistics: A clustering analysis of studies from 2010 to 2023 and future directions

EY Wong, PTY Lee - Computers in Human Behavior, 2023 - Elsevier
Numerous studies have examined the utility of virtual reality (VR) technologies in the
transportation and logistics sector. However, no systematic and comprehensive review of …

How does crossing roads with friends impact risk taking in young adolescents and adults?

EE O'Neal, Y Jiang, K Brown… - Journal of pediatric …, 2019 -
Objective The goal of this investigation was to examine how crossing roads with a friend
versus alone affects gap decisions and movement timing in young adolescents and adults …