[HTML][HTML] Application of Straw and Biopreparations as a Sustainable Method for Increasing the Organic Carbon Content and Chemical, Physical, and Biological Soil …

P Kanarek, B Breza-Boruta, J Bauza-Kaszewska… - Energies, 2022 - mdpi.com
Increasing climate change, through its impact on the economy, results in measures to
reduce its negative effects. In agriculture, the expected positive effects may come from the …

[PDF][PDF] Estimation of soil structure and physical state in the seedbed under different tillage and environmental conditions

E Nugis, A Velykis, A Satkus - Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 2016 - academia.edu
Soil structure and physical state are the basis of the conditions in which the crops grow.
Tillage is an important factor affecting soil physical environment. No or reduced tillage under …

[PDF][PDF] Impact of cultivation method on the soil properties in cereal production.

K Tamm, E Nugis, L Edesi, E Lauringson… - Agronomy …, 2016 - agronomy.emu.ee
The aim of present paper is to give an overview about results collected in 2012–2014
related to impact of cultivation method on the cereal field soil properties. Experiments were …

[PDF][PDF] Soil bulk density and phytosanitary conditions at potato field

L Tartlan, E Nugis - 2018 - dspace.emu.ee
The aim of this paper is to present the microorganisms and their activities and soil bulk
density. It is a fact that both have a great impact on soil fertility and its health status. Among …


Põllumulla füüsikalise seisundi hindamiseks kasutatavate meetodite hulka kuuluvad
niiskuse, tihenemise ja struktuursuse uurimine. Nimetatud kolme metoodika määratakse …

[PDF][PDF] Erinevate viljelusmeetodite (sh. otsekülv) rakendusteaduslik kompleksuuring

R Vettik, T Võsa, J Kadaja, T Saue, L Edesi, P Sooväli… - pikk.ee
ETKI teadurite teabevahetusest põllumeestega on ilmnenud, et märkimisväärne osa
suurtootjatest kasutavad oma ettevõttes kas väiksemal või suuremal pinnal pindharimist või …

[PDF][PDF] Lõuna-Eesti põllumuldade tallatavuse seire ja komplekshindamine

A Leiaru - 2015 - dspace.emu.ee
Leiaru, A. Complex evaluation of compactedness of South–Estonia arable soils.–Tartu:
2015. 78 pages, 22 figures, 9 tables, format A4. Masters thesis is written in Estonian …

[PDF][PDF] Hiiumaa põllumulla füüsikalise seisundi hindamine uudsete indikaatorite abil

T Laun - 2015 - dspace.emu.ee
Antud uurimusliku magistritöö eesmärgiks on uudsete indikaatorite abil hinnangu andmine
tihenemisele, niiskusele ja struktuursusele, et määrata põllumulla füüsikaline seisund. Töö …