Wind energy: Increasing deployment, rising environmental concerns

M Premalatha, T Abbasi, SA Abbasi - Renewable and Sustainable …, 2014 - Elsevier
Of all the renewable energy sources (RESs)―except direct solar heat and light―wind
energy is believed to have the least adverse environmental impacts. It is also one of the RES …

Sound the alarm: A meta‐analysis on the effect of aquatic noise on fish behavior and physiology

K Cox, LP Brennan, TG Gerwing… - Global Change …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The aquatic environment is increasingly bombarded by a wide variety of noise pollutants
whose range and intensity are increasing with each passing decade. Yet, little is known …

Marine renewable energy: potential benefits to biodiversity? An urgent call for research

R Inger, MJ Attrill, S Bearhop… - Journal of applied …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
The evidence for anthropogenically induced climate change is overwhelming with the
production of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels being a key driver. In response …

[PDF][PDF] Large-scale offshore wind power in the United States: Assessment of opportunities and barriers

W Musial, B Ram - 2010 -
Large-Scale Offshore Wind Power in the United States: Assessment of Opportunities and
Barriers, NREL (National Renewable Energy Page 1 Large-Scale Offshore Wind Power in the …

Offshore windmills and the effects of electromagnetic fields on fish

MC Öhman, P Sigray, H Westerberg - AMBIO: A journal of the Human …, 2007 - BioOne
With the large scale developments of offshore windpower the number of underwater electric
cables is increasing with various technologies applied. A wind farm is associated with …

Assessing wave energy effects on biodiversity: the Wave Hub experience

MJ Witt, EV Sheehan, S Bearhop… - … of the Royal …, 2012 -
Marine renewable energy installations harnessing energy from wind, wave and tidal
resources are likely to become a large part of the future energy mix worldwide. The potential …

The effect of temporal variation in sound exposure on swimming and foraging behaviour of captive zebrafish

SS Sabet, YY Neo, H Slabbekoorn - Animal Behaviour, 2015 - Elsevier
Highlights•We investigated the impact of sound exposure on zebrafish preying on water
fleas.•We found no significant impact of sound exposure on water flea swimming behaviour.• …

Population-level effects of acoustic disturbance in Atlantic cod: a size-structured analysis based on energy budgets

FH Soudijn, T van Kooten… - … of the Royal …, 2020 -
Anthropogenic underwater noise may negatively affect marine animals. Yet, while fishes are
highly sensitive to sounds, effects of acoustic disturbances on fishes have not been …

Fish and sessile assemblages associated with wind-turbine constructions in the Baltic Sea

MH Andersson, MC Öhman - Marine and Freshwater Research, 2010 - CSIRO Publishing
Offshore wind farms are being built at a high rate around the world to meet the demand for
renewable energy. We studied fish and sessile communities on and around offshore wind …

Effects of pile-driving noise on the behaviour of marine fish

C Mueller-Blenkle, PK McGregor, AB Gill… - 2010 -
Studies on the effects of offshore wind farm construction on marine life have so far focussed
onbehavioural reactions in porpoises and seals. The effects on fish have only very recently …