Recent advances and emerging applications of the boundary element method

YJ Liu, S Mukherjee… - Applied …, 2011 -
Sponsored by the US National Science Foundation, a workshop on the boundary element
method (BEM) was held on the campus of the University of Akron during September 1–3 …

Wavelet-based numerical analysis: A review and classification

B Li, X Chen - Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2014 - Elsevier
Wavelet analysis is a new method called 'numerical microscope'in signal and image
processing. It has the desirable advantages of multi-resolution properties and various basis …

An explicitly-sparse representation for oscillatory kernels with wave atom-like functions

Y Cao, J Liu, D Chen - Journal of Computational Physics, 2024 - Elsevier
An explicitly-sparse representation for oscillatory kernels is presented in this work by
developing a wave atom based method. Multilevel wave atom-like functions are constructed …

Wavelet BEM for large‐scale Stokes flows based on the direct integral formulation

J Xiao, W Ye - International journal for numerical methods in …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
This paper describes a new wavelet boundary element method (WBEM) for large‐scale
simulations of three‐dimensional Stokes problems. It is based on a Galerkin formulation and …

ACA-accelerated hybrid boundary node method applied to multi-domain steady heat conduction problems

X Zheng, R Zhang, D Lu, P Ming - Engineering Analysis with Boundary …, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper presents a fast implementation of the hybrid boundary node method (HBNM) to
solve the multi-domain steady heat conduction problems using the Adaptive Cross …

A nearly optimal explicitly-sparse representation for oscillatory kernels with curvelet-like functions

Y Cao, J Liu, D Chen - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.03889, 2023 -
A nearly optimal explicitly-sparse representation for oscillatory kernels is presented in this
work by developing a curvelet based method. Multilevel curvelet-like functions are …

Об использовании аппарата вейвлет-анализа в рамках метода граничных элементов для расчета строительных конструкций

ПА Акимов, МЛ Мозгалева, ТБ Кайтуков - … , поисковые и прикладные …, 2019 -
В настоящей статье представлен обзор зарубежных публикаций последних лет,
посвященный вопросам использования аппарата вейвлет-анализа в рамках метода …

[PDF][PDF] Recent Advances and Emerging Applications of the Boundary Element Method

W Ye, A Sutradhar, E Pan, NA Dumont, A Frangi… -
The boundary element method (BEM) is a numerical method for solving boundary-value or
initial-value problems formulated in boundary integral equations (BIEs). In some literature, it …


Q Wang - 2021