Menjaga Asa UMKM dan Kebangkitan Kuliner Lokal: Sosialisasi, Edukasi, dan Pendampingan Sertifikasi Halal terhadap Pegiat UMKM di Lereng Gunung Bromo
S Sukmawan, S Sucipto, GTI Tawakal… - Jurnal Gramaswara …, 2024 -
Kuliner halal saat ini menjadi kebutuhan, terutama di area-area pariwisata. Oleh karena itu,
pengakuan kehalalan memerlukan sertifikasi halal, terutama di lokasi-lokasi wisata yang …
pengakuan kehalalan memerlukan sertifikasi halal, terutama di lokasi-lokasi wisata yang …
Design of the compliance of halal assurance system criteria for smoked fish processing in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Bangkalan Regency
Smoked fish is a fishery product that is widely produced by the community. Fishery products
require halal certification. Implementing a halal assurance system can start by identifying …
require halal certification. Implementing a halal assurance system can start by identifying …
Comparative microbiological, chemical, and sensory traits of aron fermentation in Tengger and laboratory scales
O Krisbianto, AYT Putra, MC Padaga… - Agrointek: Jurnal …, 2024 -
Aron, a traditional fermented food of the Tengger community, is made from white corn grown
in Bromo and has received limited microbiological, chemical, and sensory research attention …
in Bromo and has received limited microbiological, chemical, and sensory research attention …