Participação política: uma revisão dos modelos de classificação
J Borba - Sociedade e Estado, 2012 - SciELO Brasil
Considerando o intenso debate teórico e metodológico existente na Sociologia Política
sobre participação, nosso objetivo será realizar um mapeamento da literatura internacional …
sobre participação, nosso objetivo será realizar um mapeamento da literatura internacional …
[图书][B] Size and local democracy
Size and Local Democracy Page 1 Size and Local Democracy Bas Denters, Michael Goldsmith,
Andreas Ladner, Poul Erik Mouritzen, and Lawrence E. Rose - 9781783478248 Downloaded …
Andreas Ladner, Poul Erik Mouritzen, and Lawrence E. Rose - 9781783478248 Downloaded …
Explaining radical group behavior: Developing emotion and efficacy routes to normative and nonnormative collective action.
A recent model of collective action distinguishes 2 distinct pathways: an emotional pathway
whereby anger in response to injustice motivates action and an efficacy pathway where the …
whereby anger in response to injustice motivates action and an efficacy pathway where the …
[图书][B] Political participation in a changing world: Conceptual and empirical challenges in the study of citizen engagement
Y Theocharis, JW Van Deth - 2017 -
In the last decades, political participation expanded continuously. This expansion includes
activities as diverse as voting, tweeting, signing petitions, changing your social media …
activities as diverse as voting, tweeting, signing petitions, changing your social media …
Politische partizipation
JW Van Deth - Politische Soziologie: Ein Studienbuch, 2009 - Springer
Politische Partizipation umfasst—salopp gesagt—alle Aktivitäten von Bürgern mit dem Ziel
politische Entscheidungen zu beeinflussen. 1 Dazu gehören nicht nur die Beteiligung an …
politische Entscheidungen zu beeinflussen. 1 Dazu gehören nicht nur die Beteiligung an …
The importance of protesters' morals: Moral obligation as a key variable to understand collective action
Collective action and protest have become a normalized political behavior that in many
cases defines the political agenda. The reasons why people take to the streets constitute a …
cases defines the political agenda. The reasons why people take to the streets constitute a …
Schools of democracy? Disentangling the relationship between civic participation and political action in 17 European countries
TWG Van der Meer… - European Journal of …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Since Tocqueville's seminal writings, voluntary associations have been proclaimed to be
schools of democracy. According to this claim, which regained popularity during the 1990s …
schools of democracy. According to this claim, which regained popularity during the 1990s …
Shifting inequalities: Patterns of exclusion and inclusion in emerging forms of political participation
Participation patterns in industrialized democracies have changed considerably in the last
couple of decades. While institutionalized forms of participation (eg, party membership) are …
couple of decades. While institutionalized forms of participation (eg, party membership) are …
Participación política: concepto y modalidades
GI Delfino, EM Zubieta - Anuario de investigaciones, 2010 - SciELO Argentina
Participación política: concepto y modalidades SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online
vol.17 Discriminaciones, violencias y memoria social en situaciones de desamparo Revisión …
vol.17 Discriminaciones, violencias y memoria social en situaciones de desamparo Revisión …
Axiological-Identitary Collective Action Model (AICAM): A new integrative perspective in the analysis of protest
Current predictive models of collective action have devoted little attention to personal
values, such as morals or ideology. The present research addresses this issue by …
values, such as morals or ideology. The present research addresses this issue by …