Financial inclusion and economic growth: evidence from a panel of selected African countries

D Makina, YM Walle - Extending financial inclusion in Africa, 2019 - Elsevier
This study is one of the few to investigate the relationship between financial inclusion and
macroeconomic growth against the odds of non-availability of long-dated time-series data …

[PDF][PDF] Finance for development: A research agenda

T Beck - ESRC-DFID DEGRP Research Report, 2013 -
This paper summarises the existing literature on the relationship between the financial and
the real sector, and proposes an empirical research agenda going forward. This research …

The relationship between technology and financial inclusion: Cross-sectional evidence

AB Fanta, D Makina - Extending financial inclusion in Africa, 2019 - Elsevier
The chapter investigates the relationship between financial inclusion and technology. It
examines whether technological developments in information and communication …

Does access to formal finance matter for welfare and inequality? Micro level evidence from Nigeria

R Dimova, O Adebowale - The Journal of Development Studies, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Using a treatment effects model, decomposition techniques and representative household
data from Nigeria, we study the welfare and inequality implications of access to formal …

[PDF][PDF] Barriers of financial inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa

DW Ulwodi, PW Muriu - … and Sustainable Development www. iiste. org …, 2017 -
This paper examines barriers to financial inclusion across sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) using
the 2014 Global Findex dataset from the demand-side perspective. A two-level model is …

[HTML][HTML] Developing a multidimensional financial inclusion index: A comparison based on income groups

I Gharbi, A Kammoun - Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2023 -
The aim of our paper is to construct a multidimensional financial inclusion (FI) index to
measure the level of FI in 91 countries across different income groups. In order to address …

[PDF][PDF] The role of financial inclusion to poverty reduction in Indonesia

A Anwar, P Uppun, I Tri, A Reviani - IOSR Journal of Business and …, 2016 -
Financial inclusion become a new phenomenon in the global financial system, including in
Indonesia. Financial inclusion is often associated with poverty. This study intended to …

Finance, growth and fragility: The role of government

T Beck - International Journal of Banking, Accounting and …, 2013 -
This paper offers a critical survey of the literature on the role of financial deepening in
economic development, focusing on the role of government. Specifically, I distinguish …

Informality and access to finance: evidence from India

T Beck, M Hoseini - 2014 -
This paper gauges the effect of financial deepening and bank outreach on informality using
micro data from the Indian manufacturing sector and exploiting cross-industry variation in the …

[HTML][HTML] Finance and growth: too much of a good thing? Comments on “Financial development and economic growth: known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown …

T Beck - Revue d'économie du développement, 2014 -
While theory does not predict an unambiguous relationship between finance and growth,
over the past 20 years, economists have accumulated a substantial body of empirical …