Copula-based multivariate renewal model for life-cycle analysis of civil infrastructure considering multiple dependent deterioration processes
Civil infrastructure is subjected to multiple deterioration processes (eg, gradual deterioration
and shock deterioration) caused by environmental exposure and extreme events during its …
and shock deterioration) caused by environmental exposure and extreme events during its …
Probabilistic performance of coastal bridges under hurricane waves using experimental and 3D numerical investigations
This paper proposes a comprehensive framework for performance and reliability analyses of
coastal bridges under hurricane surge and waves, including a three-dimensional (3D) …
coastal bridges under hurricane surge and waves, including a three-dimensional (3D) …
Response-based bridge deck limit state considering component-level failure under extreme wave
Coastal bridges are crucial components of transportation systems; however, they are
susceptible to increasing failure risk from extreme waves due to climate change scenarios …
susceptible to increasing failure risk from extreme waves due to climate change scenarios …
Resilience assessment of offshore structures subjected to ice load considering complex dependencies
Offshore structures in arctic and subarctic regions are subjected to various natural hazards.
These structures need to be designed to withstand these natural hazards and to recover …
These structures need to be designed to withstand these natural hazards and to recover …
Long-term loss assessment of coastal bridges from hurricanes incorporating overturning failure mode
Coastal highway bridge is an essential component of the transportation system but
threatened by natural hazards such as hurricanes. Damaged highway bridges result in not …
threatened by natural hazards such as hurricanes. Damaged highway bridges result in not …
3D numerical modeling and quantification of oblique wave forces on coastal bridge superstructures
Simply supported bridges comprise the majority of bridge systems in coastal communities
and are susceptible to severe damage from extreme waves induced by storms or tsunamis …
and are susceptible to severe damage from extreme waves induced by storms or tsunamis …
Spatial failure mechanisms and performance analysis of coastal bridges under extreme waves
D Zhu - 2023 -
Climate change could drive the warming of air and sea temperatures and cause more
extreme weather events (eg, storms, surges, and flooding), inducing tremendous challenges …
extreme weather events (eg, storms, surges, and flooding), inducing tremendous challenges …
Probabilistic analysis of long-term loss incorporating maximum entropy method and analytical higher-order moments
Quantifying economic losses of civil infrastructures subjected to various hazards under a life-
cycle context is of vital importance for risk assessment and management. In previous …
cycle context is of vital importance for risk assessment and management. In previous …
Risk-and resilience-based life-cycle analysis of engineering structures under multiple hazards
Y Li - 2021 -
In recent decades, the devastating effects that hazards have on societies worldwide have
intermittently raised the attention of governments and the public to hazard risk assessment …
intermittently raised the attention of governments and the public to hazard risk assessment …
Measuring the extreme risk of coastal bridges under tropical cyclones
Coastal bridges are susceptible to the compounding effects of storm surge and waves in
tropical cyclone-prone areas. Over the long term, the vulnerability and risk of bridges may …
tropical cyclone-prone areas. Over the long term, the vulnerability and risk of bridges may …