Membangun Minat Berwirausaha Melalui Kegiatan Learning, Sharing & Practice

W Wahyudi, E Sugiarti, M Mukrodi, R Salam… - … PKM Manajemen Bisnis, 2021 -
Being a businessman is not easy, and does not happen by itself, it takes study and practice
hard. In fact, it takes an environment and a mentor. Seeing this situation, as a lecturer is …

Kompetensi kewirausahaan kepala sekolah dalam mengembangkan edupreneurship di sekolah menengah kejuruan

Y Suhartini, M Muchlas, T Kuat - Jurnal …, 2022 -
Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan edupreneurship yang telah
berlangsung di empat SMK di Bantul, serta efektivitas kompetensi kewirausahaan kepala …

Towards SDGs 4 and 8: How Value Co-Creation Affecting Entrepreneurship Education's Quality and Students' Entrepreneurial Intention

CT Walidayni, D Dellyana, ER Chaldun - Sustainability, 2023 -
Vocational high school (VHS) is a formal education designed to equip students with ready-to-
use industrial skills upon graduation. However, its graduates continue to dominate the Open …

Profil Kambing Kejobong Paritas Litter Size Dan Mortalitas Studi Kasus: Di KTT Ngudi Dadi Kecamatan Kejobong Kabupaten Purbalingga: Profile of The Kejobong …

D Setiawan, SA Santosa… - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu …, 2023 -
This study aims to determine the profile of Kejobong goat mothers based on parity, litter size,
and mortality and the relationship between parity and litter size and the life force of children …

Ecopreneurship: Tantangan Usaha Pemanfaatan Ulang Sampah Plastik Rumah Tangga Untuk Produk Fashion

LVRD Sakuntalawati, I Ibad… - Jurnal Kewirausahaan …, 2022 -
Bank sampah memiliki tugas melakukan pengurangan sampah. Sampah terbanyak yang
dihasilkan adalah sampah plastik. Jumlah sampah plastik yang tercatat sebanyak 13, 39 …

Meningkatkan jiwa wirausaha melalui pengembangan pembelajaran berbasis produk pada siswa SMK

S Sihwadi, B Santoso, T Kuat… - Indo-MathEdu …, 2023 -
This research and development aim to evaluate the learning of creative products and
entrepreneurship at Muhammadiyah 1 Vocational High School in Surakarta, develop …

Rancang bangun aplikasi android “Kasanima” sebagai media pembelajaran teknik animasi 2 dimensi kelas XI Multimedia SMK Pasundan 3 Bandung

S Shobariyah, FC Permana… - JTIM: Jurnal Teknologi …, 2022 -
Kemajuan teknologi modern saat ini sangatlah pesat, teknologi modern sudah mulai banyak
dipergunakan dan bahkan memiliki banyak peranan didalam beberapa sektor. Pendidikan …

Kontribusi Mata Pelajaran PKKJ Terhadap Minat Berwirausaha Siswa Kelas XI Teknik Otomotif di SMK Negeri 2 Payakumbuh

W Wagino, A Dasla, H Maksum… - Ensiklopedia of …, 2023 -
The scarcity of employment is what spurred this investigation. the high unemployment rate,
the limited interest in business among many graduates of technical schools. The purpose of …

Hubungan Mata Pelajaran Projek Kreatif dan Kewirausahaan terhadap Minat Berwirausaha Siswa Jurusan Kuliner di SMKN 33 Jakarta

M Nabila, M Mahdiyah, R Febriana - AKADEMIK: Jurnal Mahasiswa …, 2025 -
Based on data from the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency in February 2023, the number
of unemployed in Indonesia reached 7.99 million with the number of unemployed in …

The effect of local potential-based workshop and entrepreneurship learning in increasing entrepreneurial interest

OK Pritasari, M Marniati, IW Susila - Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi, 2024 -
This research aims to determine the effect of local potential-based workshops and
entrepreneurship learning in increasing the interest in entrepreneurship of grade XI students …