
W Kaminsky - Handbook of Polymer Synthesis, 2004 - taylorfrancis.com
The polyolefins production has increased rapidly in the 40 years to make polyolefins the
major tonnage plastics material worldwide. In 2003, 55 million tons of polyethene and 38 …

Tax base variability and procyclical fiscal policy in developing countries

E Talvi, CA Vegh - Journal of Development economics, 2005 - Elsevier
Based on a sample of 56 countries, we show that fiscal policy in the G7 countries appears to
be acyclical while fiscal policy in developing countries is procyclical (ie, fiscal policy is …

Procyclicality or reverse causality?

D Jaimovich, U Panizza - 2007 - papers.ssrn.com
There is a large literature showing that fiscal policy is either acyclical or countercyclical in
industrial countries and procyclical in developing countries. Most of this literature is based …

Debt sustainability and procyclical fiscal policies in Latin America [with comments]

E Alberola, JM Montero, M Braun, T Cordella - Economia, 2006 - JSTOR
iscal policy is expected to play an important stabilizing role over the busi ness cycle. When
the economy is accelerating, the fiscal authorities should be able to moderate activity by …

The cyclicality of fiscal policy in the Middle East and Central Asia: is the current crisis different?

Y Abdih, P Lopez-Murphy, A Roitman, R Sahay - 2010 - papers.ssrn.com
The countries of the Middle East and North Africa, and the Caucasus and Central Asia have
the highest output volatility in the world. Fiscal policy is a powerful tool that can help dampen …

Terms of trade shocks and fiscal cycles

GL Kaminsky - 2010 - nber.org
The latest boom in commodity prices fueled concerns about fiscal policies in commodity-
exporting countries, with many claiming that it triggered loose fiscal policy and left no funds …

Procyclicality or Reverse Causality?

U Panizza, D Jaimovich - 2007 - publications.iadb.org
There is a large literature showing that fiscal policy is either acyclical or countercyclical in
industrial countries and procyclical in developing countries. Most of this literature is based …

[图书][B] Targeting the structural balance

L Dos Reis, P Manasse, U Panizza - 2007 - Citeseer
This paper discusses whether a country should conduct fiscal policy by targeting a structural
(or cyclically adjusted) fiscal balance. The paper is divided into three sections. The first …

The cyclical relationships between South Africa's net capital inflows and fiscal and monetary policies

SJ Gossel, N Biekpe - Emerging markets finance and trade, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
This paper investigates the cyclical relationships between South Africa's post-liberalization
net capital inflows and fiscal and monetary policies. Correlation analysis shows that the bulk …

Targeting the structural balance

L Reis, P Manasse, U Panizza - 2007 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper discusses whether a country should conduct fiscal policy by targeting a structural
(or cyclically adjusted) fiscal balance. The paper is divided into three sections. The first …